Unions Enemies of Our Republic

I am an in home care provider our government union SIEU, like ALL unions, they are Liberals supporting candidates.

My father, a Christian, hated his carpenters union because they were Democrats. And Democrats were worldly, they sang Roll Out the Barrel when a Democrat won. He did not drink, smoke, or swear. He did not like the Democrats and would not go to their drinking parties, where wives were not welcome.

My union SIEU supported Hillary, and the minimum wage increase to $15 that would kill jobs for unskilled workers causing McDonalds to lay workers off and replace them with machines.

The SEIU union called me and asked to take out dues automatically from my pay check (so they could get around the law from Washington). I told them NO! "You don't support your union?” She asked. I explained I did not support their Liberal Agenda and I had a right to refuse. That they supported Hillary who should be in jail. Hillary was the one who colluded with Russia selling them 3/4 of our Uranium for campaign contrabutions. Not Trump!

They are fighting this law from Washinton, claiming they are defending our rights as workers to support our union.

Unions are one of the supporters of the Liberal Conspiracy along with taxes and rich people like George Soros and the Clinton Foundation, which also gets tax money besides donations.

One of the worst unions is the teachers unions mainly the NEA (National Education Association). They are a Communist front. They were eventually made national and placed over all public education by a Democrat President. They now force children to learn diversity, perverted sex, atheistic Darwinism, anthropomorphic Global Weather Change (It is natural weather change prophesied in the Bible for the last days), and socialism. And they graduate illiterate students not proficient in reading writing and arithmetic. Dictators want uneducated people to enslave.

At Democrat conventions you see them waving NEA signs.
On their web site on the internet the NEA promotes Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals to be read by all their leaders. Alinsky was a socialist organizer and Hillary and Obama are his disciples. Socialist organizers.

My union SIEU in San Bernardino California had a council meeting and they stated they want to take back Congress in the midterm elections. They asked for volunteers to go visit union members and get them to vote because only 30% voted last time. 

They want to go door to door.

They also said they want to support a woman's right to murder her unborn baby, sucking their brains out when they are half out to the womb in order avoid premeditated murder charges. Of course they did not mention this, it WAS mentioned by the doctor at our last creation science meeting. They call it a woman’s right to health and right to choose. They neglect to mention that the Creator says life begins at conception, and thou shalt not KILL!

At last month’s lecture at the Riverside meeting of the Inland Empire Creation Science Association the speaker was a doctor who showed us that the baby is not part of the mother's body, it has a completely different immune system. And the mind boggling machines designed to develop the baby in the womb and during birth which has to work perfectly or the baby dies could not come about by a natural process being irrreducibley complex.

SIEU has classes in Democracy to promote socialism. 

We have a representative Republic, not a Democracy. A Republic is founded on natural law listed in the Ten Commandments upon which all law is based. A Democracy is based on mob rule and soon becomes anarchy evolving into a Communist Dictatorship.

An illustration is a lynch mob comes to hang an accused prisoner. The sheriff represents a Republic which is based on a court decision based on laws and facts.

The Liberal Conspiracy is following the Illuminati Plan called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which the Conspiracy does not want you to read. Most references slander it with Fake News claiming it is a hoax or antisemitism which I prove is false in my book. There it says they will control the mob through the press, which is controlled by the CFRs (New World Order Illuminati Public Relations organization). This is the source of Fake News. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was created when Americans refused to support the League of Nations. So the CFR was formed by the Bilderbergs to promote it after they changed the name to the United Nations. And the U.N. was founded by Communists exposed by Joseph McCarthy (remember the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?) and has been run by Communists and leading Terrorists ever since.

Fraternal organizations are secret societies ruled over by the Illuminati.

I just came across this: 

BREAKING => Obama’s SEIU Brown Shirts Are Attempting To Co-Opt The Occupy Movement For their March Against The Republican Congress!


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