Science Proves Dinosaurs are Thousands of Years Old
“The Schweitzer paper is a “milestone,” says ancient protein expert Enrico Cap­pellini of the University of Copenhagen’s Natural History Museum of Denmark, who was skeptical of some of Schweitzer’s ear­lier work. “I’m fully convinced beyond a reasonable doubt the evidence is authen­tic.” He calls the second study “a long shot that is suggestive.” But together, Cappellini and others argue, the papers have the po­tential to transform dinosaur paleontology into a molecular science, much as analyz­ing ancient DNA has revolutionized the study of human evolution.”
“Back in 2007 and 2009, Schweitzer re­ported in Science that she and her colleagues had isolated intact protein fragments from 65-million- and 80-million-year-old dino­saur fossils. But the claims were met with howls of skepticism from biochemists and paleontologists who saw no way (i.e. IMPOSSIBLE) that fragile organic mol­ecules could survive for tens of millions of years, and wondered whether her samples were contaminated with modern proteins.”
“That’s possible (For it to be millions of years old. Wrong), Collins says. But he doesn’t think the pro­cess could arrest protein degradation for tens of millions of years, so he, for one, re­mains skeptical of Schweitzer’s claim. “Pro­teins decay in an orderly fashion. We can slow it down, but not by a lot,” Collins says.” (Jeremy: Right, forensic medicine proves organic remains do not last more than a few days. And there is not enough iron to cause preservation, and if there was, it would not preserve it for more than a few thousand years at most.)
“They took new samples from the same 80-million-year-old fossil (Jeremy: Notice the bias here, even though it is impossible from scientific observation, they still claim it is 80 million yeas old.) of a duck-billed dinosaur called Brachylophosaurus canadensis. They reworked procedures for extracting would-be proteins from the bone, identi­fied protein fragments with a more sensi­tive mass spectrometer (AIMS), and compared the recovered protein sequences to those from many more living animals. Schroeter even went so far as to break down the mass spectrometer piece by piece, soak the whole thing in methanol to remove any possible contaminants, and reassemble the machine.”
“Just how those collagen sequences sur­vived tens of millions of years is not clear. Schweitzer suggests that as red blood cells decay after an animal dies, iron liberated from their hemoglobin may react with nearby pro­tein.”
Research shows this is the best explanation from an assumption that it is millions of years old, but further research shows that there is not enough iron released from myoglobin in blood cells by natural lysis, and myoglobin in muscle cells is not enough to preserve the organic substances. And Mark Armitage produced photos of a scanning electron microscope that showed the iron is in the wrong place. Iron surrounding the bones has been suggested in the sedimentary matrix as a solution. But it is solid iron and not soluble for penetration of the bone.
Not only does organic remains in dinosaur bones prove they are thousands of years old, so does Carbon 14. And the fact that rock strata and radioactive dating have been proven FALSE. See my books: Mysteries of History Revealed where I document this from mainly secular sources.
The truth is simple. Believe the Bible where it says he created dinosaurs about 6 thousand years ago. If you cannot believe this how can you believe you will go to heaven? The most important thing in life is to believe, or have faith in God’s Word. Without faith none can be saved.


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