UPDATE of 23 Number of Death
Since I wrote the article below I decided to check what the Internet has to say about the symbolic meaning of 23.
According to the Bible, number 23 can also be perceived as a symbol of death, while number 46 is a symbol of resurrection, so we have that 23 x 2 gives 46. It is known that the letter W is a symbol of the Satan and it is known that the letter W is on the 23th position in the Latin alphabet.
Interesting, I learn new things every time I research for an article. All Internet addresses start with www which is 666 in Gematria.
The number 666 indicates that the letters in the Greek form of the name of the Antichrist will add up to 666. There is a slim possibility that his name will equal 666 in the Hebrew language since the Antichrist will be Jewish.
This is from another article where I found the number of Obama whom I belive IS the Antichrist:
n40u200m30b2e5r800o50f60a10m30a1n400b2a1r80a1c3k100o50b2a1m a30 1 Here is my other article with more details:
Some misled theologians will say but the Antichrist has not been revealed untill he signs a peace treaty with Israel. There is a difference between knowing something and being able to prove it. This does not mean we will not know the Antichrist, it only means we cannot prove it by observation. And they will also say the Antichrist must come from the People who destroyed Jerusalem, he must be a Roman. In my research I discovered that he will be an Ashkenazi Jew a Roman Jew. Most Jews in Isreal are Gentile Jews. The Antichrist will be accepted by Jews because he will be a discendant of Solomon's wives who were Phalistines. They were discendants of the Hamite Nephalim human hybrids. See my research in Mysteries of History Revealed by Jeremy Auldaney.
Basketball player LeBron James hates Trump and American traditions.
It is interesting that his tank top is number 23. This is the Gematria number of death and key magic square number to Gematria in the Bible whenever Satan, Demons, Hell are mentioned.
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