America is Committing Suicide

       Chris Salcedo of NewsMax presented a poll of Democrats who said they supported Canada's 23rd Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is illegally taking away Canadian’s God given freedoms.

       I also heard that Canada has made it illegal to oppose LGBT, and abortion. Now we see why they came in with illegal vaccine and mask mandates which are dangerous to people’s health and go against people’s God given rights.

       65% of U.S. Democrats said they supported his dictatorial dictates.

       Democrats support Communism, sexual immorality; they hate traditional values, God, our free enterprise system, and freedom.

       What is wrong with America, has it gone insane? I believe it is become criminally insane. Because we have forgotten GOD. If we elected Godly men like our Founding Fathers we would not be in this mess.        Abraham Lincoln said that America will never be destroyed by outside invaders, it can only be destroyed from the inside.     Joseph Stalin knew this, he said America would not have to be conquered, it would fall into their hands like a rotten fruit. He also said they would corrupt America’s youth with sex. And he was right. Right now The Democrats now in control are selling us out to our enemies.

       See the video below:

       America's Suicide with David Reagan | America | Lamb and Lion Ministries... › sermons › americas-suicide-with-david-reagan

       America is committing suicide. Find out with Dr. David Reagan and hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones on the television program, Christ in Prophecy! Air Date: March 6, 2022 Resources To order, call 1-972-736-3567 (M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. CST), or select the resource below to order online.


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