Truth About the Rapture

The Seventh Day Adventist magazine Truth Matters published an article Signs of the Times.

       They make many good points that are right, but they do have some false doctrines that contradict the Bible. They are considered to be a Christian cult.

       They say that people wonder why God did not destroy Satan and his Fallen Angeles when Adam followed Satan by disobeying God’s command to not eat of the tree of Good and Evil.

       They say that Lucifer accused God of being a dictator. Very similar to how Democrats and Fake News accuse Trump. So now that Biden has taken over and is wrecking our country and the world we can see through Democrats lies, and must be stopped permanently unless they stop supporting corruption and sin.

       The article says God did not punish Satan and his angels immediately is because some angels and people would obey God out of fear rather than love. So he let Satan carry out his plan to show exactly what Lucifer is like.

        The same thing is happening with Russia and Communism and in other countries elsewhere including China. They are finally revealing how evil and destructive they really are.

       I think the Seventh Day Adventists are right about this.

       However, one problem is they think they are Jews and must worship only on Saturday the Sabbath. The Bible warns about those who think they are Jews like the Mormons. Or Protestants who think they have inherited the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

       Gentile Christians will join Jews as one family in the Millenium. But God promised Jews the land of Israel to which they will return. This has started in 1967. And that is when the last days started followed by fulfillment of many other prophecies.

Revelation 12:7-9

And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

       Some say Satan was cast out in the past. Including the Seventh Day Adventists. The reason is they do not believe in the Rapture 7 years before Jesus returns. They are wrong. Satan is cast out of space during the Tribulation Period in the future.

       Satan and his angels will be cast out of Heaven to the earth. This is why Satan and his angels deceive people claiming to be extraterrestrials. This is why the Greys have noses to breath oxygen because they come from earth. No other planet has oxygen. These are genetically engineered bodies for Demon spirits on earth.

       They will be cast out of space during the Tribulation Period before Jesus return to earth.

       They say that, “God’s loyal angels fought a battle thousands of years ago.” Wrong. They believe this because they do not believe in the Rapture.

       They also say Jesus will return in the Second Coming with his angels to bring judgement on the earth. This is wrong, the Bible says He will return with His saints, and his angels.

       The seventh Day Adventists claim Christians will be resurrected when Jesus returns to the earth. Wrong. The Bible says Christians will meet Jesus in the air, not on the earth. The Rapture and the Second Coming are two different events. In the Rapture Jesus does NOT step foot on the earth. That will happen 7 years later when we come with him to set up the his kingdom in the millennium.

       Moody Bible Institute speaks the truth.

1 Corinthians 15:51–54; 1 Thessalonians 4:14       “Before He establishes His kingdom on earth, Jesus will come for His Church, an event commonly referred to as the "Rapture." At that time the dead in Christ will be raised and living Christians will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever.”

       “At the end of the Tribulation, Jesus Christ will return with the hosts of heaven as well as the Church to establish the Messianic Kingdom on earth.10 His Kingdom will last for a thousand years.11 At this Second Coming, the Antichrist will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Satan will be bound for a thousand years. 12 The nations and their representatives will be judged.13 Israel will be restored to her land, never more to be removed.14 Christ will reign with firmness and equity.15 His kingdom will be marked by material and spiritual blessing, since the curse upon the earth will be removed.”

10 Revelation 19:7–9, 14; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Zechariah 14:9; Revelation 19:15, 16

11 Revelation 20:2, 4–6

12 Revelation 19:20; 20:1–3

13 Joel 3; Matthew 25

14 Amos 9:15; Ezekiel 34:28

15 Psalm 2:9; Isaiah 11:4

    I was listening to a radio broadcast and found they were teaching false doctrines claiming Christians will be Raptured to Heaven at the end of the Tribulation Period. This is a lie! I did not know what religion this station is but I now know that it was false. Now I know it was Loma Linda Seventh day Adventists.
