Dinosaur Extinction Cannot Be Proven!
It is true that the average person does not see a rare events, but it does happen. However, the majority, the skeptics will assume it did not happen to keep their false version of reality.
have come up with a lot of phony ‘scientific names’ for Coelacanth fish to
disguise the fact that this fish became extinct in the Cretaceous, but has survived unchanged till today.
It is true
that people do not see dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and flying reptiles only on rare occasions and in remote areas. But no one can prove they are extinct today. Because animals live in
different environments, and some live in remote areas where people do not
frequent the area. Like the Coelacanth fish which became extinct in the Late
Cretaceous. Or did it?
skeptical comment, “How could living pterosaurs, flying reptiles have gone
undetected for so long?”
First, I see
a contradiction: The reason a skeptic make a comment like that is because
somebody has reported that they saw a living pterosaur. In other words, it was
not only detected but it was reported, so the skeptic is completely wrong in
assuming that apparent living pterosaurs have gone undetected.
But I think
the skeptic actually means something different, notwithstanding it may appear
to be similar. The critic, when he or she says something like the above
question, probably assumes that any species of pterosaur that survived into the
present day would have been discovered by one or more scientists before the day
that the eyewitness (supposedly a non-scientist) reported the sighting in
question. Not only that, but the skeptic probably assumes that when one
scientist sees a living pterosaur then its existence will somehow automatically
become common knowledge among scientists in general and the non-extinction of
that species will become accepted by many scientists. How greatly would that
skeptic be wrong!
The reality is this: A scientist who reported seeing a living
pterosaur would likely lose his or her position at a university or college or
would lose his or her employment. (Jeremy: And be ridiculed into silence. Then
he would remain silent. Like the scientist who said meteor crater was created
by a meteorite impact, even though iron meteorites were found all over the area this fact was denied for over 50 years until 1955.)
reality of which a typical skeptic would be ignorant is this: The number of
eyewitnesses, worldwide, who have seen an obvious living pterosaur is at least
in the tens of thousands, and the number of persons who have had some kind
of an encounter with a living pterosaur is at least between 7 million and 128
million. How enormous is the depth of ignorance of the typical skeptic who
encounters one eyewitness report of a non-extinct pterosaur
and quickly rejects it!
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