Liberal Elephant Attack on Trump

Senator Jeff Flake a phony Republican said, "If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast," Flake was caught on mike by ABC affiliate KNXV.

Why Mr Flake, is that because the Illuminati will start attacking the Republicans instead of Trump? In order to bring about their Marxist world government, the rise of Babel.

Senator Jeff is a FLAKE. Another Liberal in disguise. The enemy has infiltrated the Republican Party. I knew this decades ago from None Dare Call it Treason.

Joe Taylor on Facebook · 

Looks like the democrat media may have opened Pandora's box with their incessant attack on Roy Moore. We are now seeing dozens of women coming forth to allege sexual harassment, and many of them on the left. Can they say so much about this and not bring Bill Clinton back into the spotlight?
My comment on Facebook to this was: 

Jeremy Auldaney I said that, are all these women Democrats, what a coincidence! At the time I did not know if this was true. When a theory is true, observation and experiments either prove of disprove them.
Here is the Flake in Africa, trying to use Trump's plan to allow the sale of Elephant trophies, as a weapon against him. The fact is the protection of elephants from hunting has caused the poachers to increase their illegal business at higher prices. Trump is considering allowing it so the elephants will become a sourch of revenue instead of a government debt. Then the people in Adfrica will benefit from the trade and protect the elephants from becoming extinct. The Bible tells us Christian environmentalism was to protect nature for use not the Liberal FROM USE, which is detrimental to Africa, and the wildlife. Un-Constitutional regulation causes more poaching and higher prices and more government debt.


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