
HALLOWEEN: The last Halloween party I went to (and left early) was at Hal Lindsay's Jesus Christ Light and Power House on UCLA campus 1972. 

Someone had ghoulish sounds coming from a loudspeaker making the whole atmosphere evil. "How ridiculous that a group of supposedly on-fire Christians would be involved in the celebration of Satanism!" 

I said. That was it for me. I have been on a crusade against it ever since. There is nothing good about it. 

How can Americans be so ignorant, or is it rebellious -- at this late date, that we celebrate something as wicked as Halloween? God hates witchcraft. We should too. I used to ride around with the LA Police. They told me all about what really happens on Halloween. Sickening.

Editor's Note: Hal Lindsey says Paul Crouch is a friend of his. Crouch promotes false teachers on TBN who have been identified as Satanists who promote Christianized New Age Religion. Hal started his teaching with Campus Crusade for Christ founded by Bill Bright who is a theistic evolutionist. This world is filled with wolves in sheep's clothing.

Here is Paul Crouch


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