All Animals Could Not Fit in Noah's Ark?
Noah's Ark could not carry all the kinds of animals? To say this would be like saying all people would not fit in Heaven!
Noah’s Ark was
the size of three football fields which could house all of San Diego and Los
Angeles zoos plus. Most animals were small, they hibernated, and they were
small young adults able to reproduce after the Flood, and there was only two of
each kind which means every hybrid species was not on the Ark. Only two dog
kind, two cat kind. Two horse no burrows. Atheists (evolutionists) try to throw
doubt on anything that supports the Bible.
The author
of Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study Dr. John Woodmorappe who has an MA in
Geology, a BA in Geology, and a BA in Biology. He is a science educator by profession.
This book on
Noah's Ark is a one-of-a-kind compendium of information about animal-care
methods, food-preservation techniques, animal-handling techniques, etc. It
discusses in great detail how 8 people could have cared for 16,000 animals
using pre-scientific technology. Whether or not the reader believes in the
Bible or not, he or she can be fully confident that my book conveys substantive
information about the workability of Noah's Ark and its inhabitants.
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