Discussion of Evolution with an Atheist
Discussion with the atheist Philip Udoimeh with me about evolution on Facebook. For more info get Mysteries of History Revealed https://www.amazon.com/s?k=auldaney&ref=nb_sb_noss
He said:
He said:
Theists like
Christians and Muslims always demand that everyone should worship God because
it was God who created us. (So you are an atheist. That is a religious belief.
It is not based on facts.)
To me, this
position is too hasty and it lacks foundation. (It has plenty of
foundation. You have not researched this subject or you would not say this.
Darwinian evolution has no foundation except on circumstantial evidence, and
the assumption that there is nothing supernatural. This is based on imagination
in support of humanism/atheism. It is a belief based on faith that there is no
God. How do you know there is no God? Can you prove it?) Before saying all
should worship God because "it was God who created us," there are
things we first have to establish:
First, you
MUST provide evidence that humans were created. (That is simple. Have you ever
seen a car, computer, etc. that came about by a natural process, without a
designer?) There is no iota of evidence that we were created. (You are ignoring
the evidence. It is all around you in nature. There are no random natural
processes, they are all perfectly designed. Like the perfect distance between
the earth and sun, the right amount of rotation of the earth, the perfect
atmosphere for life, the right amount of water, the perfect amount of
gravitation, plants and animals that allow man to exist. Need I go on? How
about the fact that DNA has to have the right elements in the correct order and
has to be right handed. And there are billions of these in your body? How about
the fact that a Venus Fly Trap has to have the right colors to attract an
insect, and the right smell to attract them, three triggers that have to be
triggered twice by an insect, and that it has interlocking spines to trap the
insect when it closes, and then secrets stomach acid to digest the soft parts
of the insect. How did that come about by a natural process from nothing one
element at a time? How did it survive in the bog with no nutrients, and if it
did then why develop all this complex design? The Big Bang is creation of
matter and energy from nothing. Science says everything has to have a cause it
cannot come from nothing. If it didn’t then police investigators would not look
for a suspect and a Motus Operandi.
And science would never discover anything if there were not a design. Have you
ever seen a tool that came about by a natural process without a designer?) We
do not know exactly how life started, (Of course we don’t, but we know it
exists. Have you ever found an arrowhead and assumed it was not created by
ancient natives?) but we do know that all living things we see today are
products of evolution. (Do we? Prove it? Evolution has never been proven. We do
not see evolution taking place today. Science requires observation and
experiments. As for the fossil record it was produced by catastrophic events
like still pictures, not a movie. If evolution were true there would be many
transitional forms. There are none. Name one! Archaeopteryx? No paleontologists
now believe it is not a missing link but rather an extinct form of bird. As for
hominids, Paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey says they look identical to
chimpanzees and there’s no way to differentiate them. Some are found with stone
tools so we assume they are humanoids. However, other animals are also found
with them. Look at the fossils of so called humans, they are identical to apes
and Gigantopithecus is a gorilla. There is no evidence that they are evolving
into humans. In fact Australopithecus’s name means southern ape. Missing links
are found between every living thing and evolution poaleontological experts in
every field of paleontology have stated in technical journals that there are no
links. Go ahead if you are so smart name one! In fact all the organisms in the
fossil record are either still alive today, like the Coelacanth fish, and show
no evolution, or they are extinct. In fact all forms of creatures are found in
the fossil are alive today at the same time: single celled organisms, fish,
amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds.) The validity of evolution debunk all the
creation myths (It does not, creation research debunks evolution.) we hear or
read from the so-called "Holy" books (Yes the Greek and Hebrew Bible
was written supernaturally. Every letter is a numeric code that has meanings.
Evolutionists are lying are willingly ignorant or are fooled. Evolution is
historical science that is not repeatable and is a science based on speculation
as a result of faith in naturalism. It is basically a faith in the myths about
Pagan nature gods like Gaia [Unknown Intelligence in nature], and Chronos
Second, for
the sake of argument, let us assume that we were created. The question now is,
what or who created us? (The only ‘religion’ that claims to be the Creator is
the Bible. Other occult religions have silly myths. As for Muslim religion they
worship Satan in the form of Allah.) We may have been 'created' by a force or
being(s) whose existence or operation is far beyond our knowledge or imagination.
(This is occult speculation with no scientific support. It comes from ancient
witchcraft founded by Semiramis queen of Babylon known as Babel. The architype of all Goddesses spread
throughout the world from Babel, the unholy spirit of Satan. It evolved from
The Mysteries of Isus.) We may even have been created by the natural forces in
this world or universe which we underestimate. (The same Pagan religion founded
by Satan.) we honestly don't what or who created us - if at all we are products
of creation; (Atheists don’t know. Christians do know.)
Third, again
for the sake of argument, let's assume we were created by God. The question
then is, which of the thousands of creation Gods humans have worshipped over
the ages create us? (Satan and unbelievers created these fake gods from worshiping
Demons mainly Baal another name for the Sun god of Egypt symbolized by the
solar magic square 666.) It may even be possible that this "creation"
God is totally unknown to humans and has never been worshipped. It could even
have been a deistic God who created the world and does not want to be involved
in the affairs of the world. Whichever, we honestly do not know. (You don’t but
I know.)
From the
analysis above, you can see that for someone to come to you and tell you to
worship the God he or she believes in because it was 'this' God who
"created" you is GROSS IGNORANCE. (With all due respect this is your
assumption, because of your ignorance. And may God bless you and reveal the
truth to you before it is too late.)
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