Extraterrestrial Invasion!


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Virus from Space!

       Have extraterrestrial bacteria from meteorites caused evolution? Did they find GIANT Pandoravirus that could have come from an alien planet.”  (Warning Tabloid nonsense) According to both Eureka! Science News and Fast Company, “(Lying) Scientists Say Giant 'Pandoraviruses' Could Have Come From Mars.” MSN News was the least inaccurate. Their headline was “Scientists discover world’s biggest virus – has ancient DNA.” It was subtitled, “The Pandoravirus does not look like anything else, and could be an alien life form – but it's not going to make us sick.” At least MSN didn’t mention Mars in the headline.”

       The way this discovery was reported is just another example of how the popular press (Fake News or False News) distorts the truth to make it appear there is evidence for the theory of evolution; but the truth is that the discovery provides evidence against the theory.


       “Here’s the truth. Scientists did publish a report about the largest virus ever discovered. There is no evidence that it came from Mars, or anyplace else in space. It was found underwater in two places, neither of which was next to a wrecked spacecraft or meteorite. The space program has not found any viruses existing on Mars now, and no evidence that there ever were any viruses on Mars, so there is no reason to believe that these viruses came from Mars. There is no evidence that it has “ancient DNA,” (whatever that means). It’s just a newly discovered big virus. It isn’t a terrifying new virus from Mars (The War of the Worlds!) that is going to wipe out civilization as we know it. (But who wants to read an article about a benign virus? That kind of article won’t increase readership and justify higher advertising rates. Or support Communist/Liberal agendas.)”

       “The space program has not found any viruses existing on Mars now, and no evidence that there ever were any viruses on Mars, so there is no reason to believe that these viruses came from Mars. There is no evidence that it has “ancient DNA.””

        “On July 19, several usually unreliable

news sources erroneously reported that scientists had discovered a virus that came from Mars. The Daily Mail headline said, “Scientists Discover Unique Giant Virus That Could be From Space.” The International Business Times headline was, “Scientists Find Alien Virus."

       Evolutionists have been using the space program to prove there is life outside the earth and have FAILED. God told us life was created on earth, nowhere else! In fact the universe was created for US. God has unlimited power, it is not wasted, it cost nothing! God created something from nothing! Not like our Biden government creating money from nothing, which will be worth nothing but destruction!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Extraterrestrial Genetic Engineering

   The History Channel program, Ancient Aliens television had a documentary on Genetic Engineering by aliens. Including cattle mutilation. Body parts and blood are removed as with a LASER, and leaving no footprints. These animals were levitated then dripped after the operation. Why are UFO entities doing this?

This is a representation of a typical Grey UFO alien seen all over the world.

    This picture shows an animal that was dropped from above.

Here are typical cattle mutilations. This is happening all over the world.


Recently there have been reports of mutilation of humans.

       This Ancient Alien theory claims we are the result of aliens engineering our DNA. This is the theory that aliens created man from apelike creatures, instead of God exnilo.

       Another program that supports this alien theory is Skinwalker Ranch.

       The theorists are partly right. Satan’s angels did create the Nephilim human hybrids according to the Bible. And the Bible is the key to all knowledge and understanding.

    In ancient Babylon and Egypt they produced art that shows odd animal mixtures called chimera.

           Here is an elongate Nephilim skull which are common in Egypt, and South America. This is a cast made from a real skull from Chile by paleontologist Joe Taylor. They are sometimes found with giants. Compare this to the Grey above. Notice a resemblance?


       Many people say that angels are spirits (Christian and atheist assumptions based on naturalism ignoring the supernatural) that cannot produce offspring. But the facts prove otherwise.         The Bible describes angels having physical bodies with supernatural abilities, like the ones who met Abraham, as well as Jesus after the resurrection. All through history there are stories of Demons molesting women and attacking people leaving scars.

       Maybe Satan’s angels did use genetic engineering as I have suggested. Also Henry Morris founder of the creation science movement believes that angels have supernatural bodies, like we will after the Rapture.

    Here are more chimera from ancient Babylon (Babel) or Mesopotamia, and Egypt. This is Nimrod (A Nephilim giant) pictured as half flying ox. Bulls are symbolic of the sun god Baal 666. Are they symbolizing him as a chimera because he was behind their creation? 

       The atheist occult theorists seldom mention that these Anannaki were giants. They are lying, because this fact would support the Bible.

       This is the newest theory to explain away creation by God, since Darwinian evolution is being proven false. Theistic evolution is taking the place of atheistic evolution, just as Socialism/Liberalism is taking the place of atheistic Communism. Marxism is a form of Satanism in politics. Satanism is not atheistic, it only uses Atheism/Humanism to undermine belief in God.

     This is an adult lion being held by Nimrod king of Babel the first Antichrist after the Deluge.


    And below are some figurines showing Nimrod among normal sized people. He appears to be 12 feet tall.

        But these theories (Transpermia, and alien genetic engineering, creating humans, does not explain where or how the aliens were created, or who created them, etc.) relies on a lack of evidence. The ancient alien theorists piece together circumstantial evidence to support their speculation.

       They mentioned all the different species of fossil hominids, falsely claimed to be human evolutionary ancestors, claiming they were alien experiments. And they show the skulls of Nephilim and apes without any evidence that they are related to humans other than the humanoid appearance and speculation by evolutionists.

       They even lump in Neanderthals with apelike ancestors, and don’t reveal the fact that Neanderthals were not primitive or apelike, and they have been reassigned to Homo Sapiens sapiens. In fact since they are larger than most people and have a larger brains, they may be a form of Nephilim. Evidence of this is discussed in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1.


       “Some evolutionists have claimed that Neanderthals were incapable of modern speech, lacking the ability to produce the full range of vowels (Lieberman and Crelin, 1971; Trinkaus and Shipman, 1992), with flat non-flexing at the base of the skull, and the larynx positioned higher in the throat than in modern humans or even chimpanzees. The result of this computer reconstruction was that the resonating chamber at the back of the mouth was all but eliminated.

       Many of these arguments have now been thoroughly refuted. A new and updated reconstruction done in 1989 by paleoanthropologist Jean-Louis Heim showed an essentially modern human flexation of the base of the skull (Trinkaus and Shipman, 1992; Shreeve, 1995). More recently, the La Chapelle skull was compared to a sample of modern human specimens from the middle ages and found to be quite human (Frayer, 1993).

       In 1983 one of the most complete Neanderthal skeletons ever found was discovered at Kebara in the Levant, which included the first fossil hyoid bone of a Neanderthal ever discovered. This bone is located in the throat and is directly related to the structure of the human vocal tract and is indistinguishable from that of modern humans (Arensburg et al., 1987).

Neanderthal Brains

       A Neanderthal brain volume equals or exceeds modern human dimensions (Deacon, 1994), ranging from about 1200_1750 ml, and thus on the average about 100 ml larger than modern humans (Stringer and Gamble, 1993). (This refutes the theory that evolution produced larger brains) Holloway (1985: 320) has stated "I believe the Neanderthal brain was fully Homo, with no essential differences in its organization compared to our own."

       Although there is no direct correlation between brain size and intelligence, Neanderthal brain volume certainly does not support views that argue for an evolutionary expansion of "Hominid" brains.

       (Evolutions reason from the size of the brain weather the fossil skull is more or less evolved from other hominids, thus younger or older. This is irrational because brain size has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact computers are getting smaller, and yet they are more advanced.)

Neanderthal Anatomy

       Neanderthal anatomy is essentially human in scope, with the same number of bones as humans, which function in the same manner (Trinkaus and Shipman, 1992). However, there are minor differences in robusticity (thickness and strength). These differences are trivial and can be found on an individual basis in modern living populations (Lewin, 1998). Although there is no formal agreement of which physical characteristics are diagnostic of Neanderthal morphology, a suite of traits have been used to distinguish Neanderthal morphology.”

       The documentary showed ancient Sumerian, and Egyptian art that shows animals with human heads or humans with animal heads and suggest these were real creatures created by the Anannaki aliens including these chimera below.

     This name is FALSE there is no such thing as Anannaki extraterrestrial aliens. This name comes from the Bible where it talks about the sons of Anak a family of Giants part of the Nephilim offspring from Satan’s angels.

       They go on about the discovery that human DNA is similar to animals. That 80% is similar to cows, 85% to mice, 90% to cats, and 96% to chimpanzees. This is ridiculous and scientifically inaccurate. That is 351%! You cannot have over 100% of anything. (Except maybe more votes in an election than there are voters) They are lying as usual, playing lightly with the actual facts to fool the ignorant nonscientist.

         Lets evaluate the major evidences that exposes the 98% myth and supports the current conclusion that the actual similarity is 84.4%, or a difference of 15%, which translates to over 360 million base pairs’ difference. That is an enormous difference that produces an unbridgeable chasm between humans and chimpanzees. The chimp genome is much longer than the human genome. Humans have forty-six chromosomes, while chimps have forty-eight. (You cannot go from many to few in evolution. That is complex to simple de-evolution) According to the latest data, there are 3,096,649,726 base pairs in the human genome and 3,309,577,922 base pairs in the chimpanzee genome. This amounts to a 6.4% difference. The 98% similarity claim fails on this basis alone.

       Evolutionists claim that because there are similarities it proves everything comes from a common ancestor. This is a fallacy. Books are written using the same alphabet, do all books come from a common source or the same author? No most things follow a pattern because they are used for similar purposes. All airplanes and flying creatures are aerodynamic, that doesn't mean they evolved from each other. This shows design, not decent. The genetic code is like an alphabet, or computer code. And it keeps repeating the same patterns generation after generation after its special design (kind). No new information is added. In fact is our genes are loosing information. And this is called genetic lode. Eventually living things will become extinct, unless God recreates the universe to last forever as he promised. 

       DNA contains much of the information necessary for an organism to develop. If two organisms look similar, we would expect DNA similarity between them. The DNA of a cow and a whale should be more alike than the DNA of a cow and a bacterium. Likewise, humans and apes have many body similarities like bones, hair, and the ability to produce milk, so we would expect DNA sequences to match that. Of all known animals, the great apes are most like humans, so we would expect that their DNA would be most like human DNA.

       Several thousand genes unique to humans are completely missing in chimps, and scientists have found many genes that are unique to chimps are missing in humans.

       In support of the alien genetic engineering the documentary showed that the UFO entities are experimenting with chimera (creating monsters with different animal body parts.) In the documentary they showed a video of an operation when Chinese Communists removed the head of a small dog and attached it to a larger dog behind its head.

       This is what Hitler was doing. This is animal cruelty! And it is being done by the same Communists in China that created the Covid19 bioweapon that murdered 4,152,562 people and was paid for by Dr. Fauci from our tax money. And the Pagan Olympic Games honoring the ancient gods honored Germany and making millions of dollars when Hitler was murdering people in support of evolution.

       Today we are going to have Olympic Games in China which is doing the same identical thing to people in concentration labor camps, giving China millions of dollars to support their murderous Communist government and weapons. The Bible warns that during the Tribulation Period the Muslims, Russians, and Chinese will create World War III killing 75% of the earth’s population. We will not be here having left earth in the Rapture.

       Hillary, Obama, and Biden are aiding and financing this future war which qualifies them as the greatest mass murderers in history! Alister Crowley you have a long way to go to qualify as the world’s most evil man.

       In fact the United Nations has said they plan to kill off 75 to 80% of the earth’s population by 2030 to save the earth under excuse of sustainable development Agenda 2030. They forget that God is charge and has created plenty of resources to last for another thousand years before it is renovated with a new heaven and earth. 

    In fact I believe that when Trump was cutting off giving millions to China, forced them to pay their fair share in the United Nations, and placed tariffs on them they got angry and released the Covid plague. And Liberals in corporations and Democrats joined them to attack America and Trump. 

    Back to chimera experiments:

       “In 1955, at a meeting of the Moscow Surgical Society, a sensational exhibit was presented to the assembled guests. On the platform close to the audience, a large white dog was brought in. The dog looked happy, cheerfully wagging its tail, and unintimidated by the large crowd of eager guests in front of him. He seemed particularly unconcerned by the unnatural appendage protruding from the side of his neck.


Just a few days before the meeting, the dog had undergone a major surgery during which the Soviet scientist Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov had attached to the side of his neck a second head, acquired from a small brown-haired puppy. Both the hound and the decapitated head of the puppy were alive and reacting to stimuli. And even as the surgeons watched, the puppy’s head gave the ear of its host a nasty bite. And the white head snarled.”

The picture below is from Russia.

And China

   Notice anything odd here? 


    This makes me sick. They are murderers. It makes me think of the dog Russia sent into space on Sputnik to die in orbit. November 1957 and it died one week after the launch. So sad. God says thou shalt not kill!

'Space Dogs': Laika Died Alone in Space Aboard 'Sputnik 2 ...


       Just like Blackfish made you shun SeaWorld, Space Dogs implies an action step of its own. The new documentary, which—according to Wired—will turn your stomach and break your heart, tells the story of Laika, a dog who died aboard Sputnik 2 after being blasted into space by experimenters who knew they were condemning her to a horrible death.

       In America this would be illegal. But what if there are black projects. And it is possible that American Illuminati billionaires could be funding them here and in other countries, just as Dr. Fauci has done with Gain of Function of the bat virus in Covid19 research in the Wuhan bioweapons lab in China.

       The Ancient Aliens documentary went on to show evidence that this kind of experimentation was going on in Mesopotamia and Egypt in their art. And I believe they are right about this.

        And here is what is called the Mesopotamian vampire cult of chimera. The Nephilim giants were known for being cannibals. 

       I believe reptilians and Greys are the results of genetic engineering. That is how they convince people that there are aliens by using genetically engineered bodies, then crash the saucer to fool the public and then have the technology reverse engineered to prepare for the Antichrist who will claim to be in contact with extraterrestrials. I believe these Greys are bodies inhabited by Demon spirits of dead Nephilim. Or they could use animal brains.

       I have suggested that they may use aborted baby brains to control a computer or robot as if it was his body. The baby would give it intelligence and it would not know it was a human and not a machine. 

        Seeing this Demonic chimera reminds me of UFO researcher John Keel described as The Moth Men. They look like a cross between a flying reptile and a Demon. This illustration below is one of many legends of Demonic creatures like Skinwalkers also called Spirit Walkers, Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, Spring Heeled Jacks which are Demon possessed chimera. The Bible refers to them appearing during the 7 year Tribulation Period.


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