Vaccination Passport Mark of the Beast

       The socialists want everyone to have a Vaccination Passport. Or you cannot eat at a restaurant, get a job, see a movie, cross a state line, go to a sports event, go to church, attend a dance, or meeting. 

    And they will want everyone to have a Smart Phone with vaccination passport. Then they can track you. 

     This is also why they have come out with Real ID associated with you Driver's License. And why they have wireless chips in your bank card.

        This is why they have Universal Product Codes on all products that start with 6, then in the middle a 6, and at the end 6.

       Sound familiar?

       The Bible says without receiving the Mark of the Beast in the hand or forehead you cannot buy or sell (666). The only difference is the Antichrist will 'improve' on this phony vaccination passport system with an implanted computer chip. This will also involve using your mind to control electronic devices, machines, vehicles. And this will be MIND CONTROL. Facebook is working on glasses that can read your thoughts and control your computer without a keypad. It is already being done in some university computer labs.

     Number 666 was used in ancient Egypt to symbolize the sun god Baal in a Magic Square. The Egyptians were of the bloodline of the hybrid human Nephilim that will lead to the Antichrist. 

    To receive this ID you will need to accept Satan as your God. 


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