The God of Evolution

    The god of evolution is time, which was created by God Chronos a pagan god of Babylon. The God of death. The Grim Reaper!

          Is evolution scientific? Can you get something from nothing? Can you get life from death? Given enough time do things improve?

       Can a person who is biased against the truth, find the truth? Can they even be unbiased scientists?

       They claim evolution happens when mutations work with natural selection.

       In order for things to improve new information is necessary. Where does it come from? Everything that man makes requires planning, labor, and engineering with physical materials and machines.

       In nature there are extremely complex designs far greater than any created by man. In fact all inventions made by man were copied from God’s designs in nature.

       The genetic code is vastly more complex than computer codes.

       Have you seen anything improve without intelligent direction?  

       Mutations are defects in the genes which cause less information. Then natural selection selects what is left. This creates nothing new.

        Darwin was not a scientist, he studied to be a theologian; and that is what he was, a theologian for atheistic naturalism.

       Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England in 1809. At 16 he studied medicine at Edinburgh University. He found out that surgery was not his calling and started studying to be a clergyman at Christ College, Cambridge. He obtained his degree in Theology in 1831.

       He got his ideas from his father and grandfather who were Knights Templar Free Masons.

Was Charles Darwin secretly a Freemason (All Freemasons ...

       "Was Charles Darwin secretly a Freemason Both his father and grandfather were known Masons." I got my 25 year pin at one of my lodges last year. I hold Masonic membership in California, Illinois and Texas...

       At that time Masonry was spreading the belief in evolution.

       Darwin’s imagination was expanded by ideas from Charles Lyell, who also was not a scientist, he was a lawyer. Later became an amateur geologist funded by his rich parents. No doubt a member of the Knights Templar Free Masons.

       Research led me to this:

       The Hon. Charles Henry Lyell (1875-1918), British politician, soldier, ... Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi from 1826-37 and 1845-46. He was a 32° Scottish Rite ... Although he joined Scottish Rite in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, he received the 33rd degree in 1995 from the Southern Jurisdiction. .

       Lyell was the only son of Leonard Lyell, 1st Baron Lyell (1850-1926), who had sat as Liberal MP for Orkney and Shetland from 1885 until 1900. His father, who was the nephew of the leading geologist, Sir Charles Lyell, was created a baronet in 1894 and a peer in 1914. The Lyells, a prominent Forfarshire family, had been lairds of Kinnordy. (A royal Illuminati family)

       Both Lyell and Darwin hated God and sought another explanation for creation to undermine Faith. This was necessary, as described in the Illuminati plan, to bring in the New World Order.  

        Charles Lyell had no degrees in science but he rose to fame for calling the Biblical timeline of Creation into question with the publication of his book, Principles of Geology. Sir Charles Lyell, 1st Baronet, FRS (14 November 1797 - 22 February 1875) was a British lawyer and the foremost (Degrees were not needed) geologist of his day.

Charles Darwin Was a Massive Satanic Fraud

       “Later, Darwin proposed a second theory based on natural selection. Though, here we must mention the name of another theoretician who played an important role in the origins of the theory of evolution: Erasmus DarwinCharles Darwin's 

grandfather. Erasmus Darwin was a Mason.”

       Charles Lyell FRS means Fellowship of the Royal Society, FRS is an award granted by the judges of the Royal Society of London to individuals who have made a "substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering science, and medical science ". Isaac Newton was one of the earliest fellows.

       Even then, there were serious diplomatic issues to deal with. For example, Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, was a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1779, despite being preoccupied with his main responsibility of procuring French aid for America in the war against Britain, he arranged for Captain James Cook, the British explorer and pioneer who was also a fellow, to be given safe passage on returning from his third voyage to the Pacific.    

       Darwin went on a voyage to find his god in naturalism. The occult believes there is an intelligence in matter itself called Gaia.

       On the voyage Charles Darwin read Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology. He was told that geologic layers were not deposited by a flood, but by gradual means. We call this, sediment, which must be deposited by rapidly moving water in order to carry silt, sand, and gravel. Sometimes boulders! Sediment is not carried by still water, only by moving water which is sorted into layers from the largest to the smallest clay. As well as changes in current direction.

       These sedimentary deposits are always level. There are no valleys, mountains, and rivers in them. These were created by down cutting as the waters decreased. Or were cut later like the Grand Canyon into the flat layers.

       Another problem for evolution is no transitional organisms have been found. No dogcats, or birdbats. However, there is variation in kinds. Like tigers and lions are the same kind and can produce offspring. However, Ostrich and parakeets cannot mate because they are different kinds. Fire ants and carpenter ants cannot produce offspring.

    As for vestigial organs left over from evolution that no longer have a purpose. This has been falsified. All so called vestigial organs have been found to have been designed for a purpose when further research was done. It was only the willful ignorance of evolutionists who believe the lie. 

    The fact is everything in nature is beautiful and has a practical purpose, and it illustrates complex higher mathematics. And hidden in its design there is a spiritual message from its creator. 

       Evolutionists have claimed that seeing strange animals like dinosaurs shows they evolved into something else. But there are no transitional fossils. The fossil record only has either organisms that are identical to todays or they are extinct. To say birds are dinosaurs is childish stupidity. Their anatomy is entirely different. To say a small bipedal dinosaur had its scales change into precisely designed aerodynamic feathers is like saying an atomic bomb can design a new city.

       The fact is evolution is a conspiracy to undermine faith in God and his freedoms, to bring in slavery under socialism. Where men become gods, and result in the survival of the cruelest and most evil.


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