Asteroid Impacts and the Flood

 The information below is not based on evolutionist’s materialistic atheistic speculation. Along with Fake News in politics, Liberals have created Fake Science. This conspiracy is described in the Illuminati New World Order plan first revealed in 1789 published in 1895, and again in 1920.

This article tells the real history of geology. I get sick of hearing their nonsense for years. I was a member of many groups: geology, paleontology, archaeology, etc. Of course I will get ridicule from the brainwashed atheists. They cannot give facts that support their conclusions. And if they did I could refute them, providing they would listen.

Many asteroid impact craters have been found and most are underground in fossiliferous strata. 

Only recently many gigantic buried craters have been found, but there has been very little publicity or research about things that contradict Liberal misinformation. Like the discovery of mega-tsunamis along the west coast of North America. I found shattered rocks inside of conglomerates all along the coast of California. As well as evidence of tsunamis in the fossils in Miocene (Post Flood Peleg’s Division) strata all along the west coast from Alaska to Mexico.

We do not see gigantic craters on earth like we do on other solid bodies in our solar system. This is because the volcanos and craters were erased or buried under sediment during the continent crossing impacts.  

For example: Manson Iowa impact crater is not only one of the largest US impact craters, at about 35 km (22 miles) in diameter, it is one of the best known and best studied.  Many popular and scientific articles have been written on the location.  Unlike many impact sites that are completely unknown to the people living within or above them. And even science has ignored them.

The Manson crater was believed to impact at the same time as Chicxulub assumed to be the only asteroid that triggered the death of most dinosaurs. Because the crater is in the Cretaceous KT boundary. Then they found debris that came down in the Eocene. So they predated the crater and said it could not have been the same time as the dinosaur killer. Of course the truth is there were many impacts at this time and many were larger than Chicxulub crater which is 93 miles in diameter.  

Huston is built on a circle that could be a crater 55 miles in diameter. But it is difficult to identify many craters, and evolutionists often ignore these discoveries because it contradicts their uniformitarian science fiction.

Recently a new buried giant crater was identified in Nevada/Utah. In fact Area 51 is in this crater and is off limits for study.

The Alamo Impact Crater is a 44 to 65 km (27 to 40 miles in diameter) structure originally located in south-central Nevada.  A larger diameter is proposed in Andrew et al., 2015.  Much of the western and central portion of the structure are reported as having been largely destroyed by post-Devonian faulting, volcanism, and orogenic events (During the beginning of the Flood of Noah).  The impact is primarily known from the Alamo Breccia rock units, which comprise a 4000 km2 to 28,000 km2 (Leroux et al., 1995; Warme et al., 1991; Pinto and Warme, 2008; Anderson, 2008) region of breccias, megabreccias, and tsunaite deposits, exposed in southern and central Nevada and in Utah.

At Meteorite Crater Arizona iron meteorites were found scattered all over 5 miles by settlers for decades and it was first reported in 1891 but evolutionist geologists still insisted it was a volcanic explosion for decades until 1955 when they were forced to admit the truth.

September 3, 2020 ABC announced that geologists have discovered a large 3 mile diameter meteorite crater in outback Western Australia, which could be up to five times bigger than the famous Wolfe Creek Crater in the state's remote north.   

From the creation viewpoint finding craters in sedimentary rock layers means that they all occurred just before, or during the Flood of Noah in 2348 BC. Or during Peleg’s division in 2000 BC.

Those found in Paleozoic or Mesozoic strata are related to the asteroid shower before and during the worldwide Flood. And this is what triggered the worldwide volcanic upheaval followed by the worldwide Flood.

Those found in Cenozoic strata were formed by an asteroid shower during Peleg’s Division when the continents were divided during a worldwide orogeny that formed today’s mountain chains and faults. An orogeny is a worldwide mountain chain forming earthquake.


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