Main has 12% undecided voters. They need to replace Susan Collins who is a Republican traitor who said she would not support Amy Coney Barrett till after the election.
In research for my books I have discovered that the lineage Ancient Astronaught theorists and occult writers like Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code is actually the bloodline the Bible refers to as the seed of the Serpent. The descendants of the Fallen Angels which are behind the New World Order Movement and New Age Religion of Antichrist. Here is a web site with information: Origin Theories of the Rare Rh-Negative Blood Factor www.rh negative Negative _Factor_ Blood _ Origin _Theories_Migratio... In our modern age, many citizens of civilized nations know their own ABO blood group (A, B, O, or AB ) and most also know whether they are Rh-positive or ... They list different theories on this rare blood type. 1. Jewish/Israelites (Abraham or Founding Mothers) 2. The Blood of the Gods 3. Hyperborea or Atlantis 4. Ancient Aliens/Anunaki 5. The Basque People 6. The Black Sun/Vril Society 7. The Original Europeans & Ireland 8. Jesu...
The number of the Beast of Revelation 666 is appearing in may places today. This is a typical code found on every product being sold. Each line is a number. See the 6. It has two lines. Now look at the three blank lines. One on the left, in the middle, and one on the right. This is 666. The Monster Energy Drink promotes Satanic Rock festivals. And their logo has been identified as 3 Hebrew letters, Vav. This letter in Hebrew can be a V or W. See the Hebrew letters below. Hebrew does not use numbers, they use letters, and Vav is also the number 6. Thus it represents 666 the number of the future world ruler the Antichrist. Both V and W represent a 6. They call their drink the Monster, another word for the Beast, another name for the Antichrist. It has also been said that the O in Monster has a Cross. Recently I realized that the three Hebrew letters resemble railroad spikes. I think these represent the three spikes that nailed Jesus to the cross. Two...
The theme of life on earth is one of struggle between good and evil, right and wrong. This article will reveal the true history that has been suppressed by the enemy of mankind. The key to truth is the Word of God. But man has chosen to listen to Satan. Now hear the truth! The Priory of Sion ( Prieure de Sion ) has been documented as a secret society founded in the 11th century its purpose was falsely claimed to preserve and protect the original doctrines of Christianity and act as guardian to Jesus and Mary Magdalene's sacred bloodline. It was actually founded by the Cather’s which were Gnostics which did not believe in Jesus death on the cross. They were mainly followers of John the Baptist whom they claimed to be the real Christ. This was a heresy to undermine the belief in the Bible after Jesus death. This society is behind the New World Order today. These secret societies were founded to preserve the knowledge of the ancient civilization founded by Cain and was ...
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