Kiddnapping of Michigan Governor Publicity Stunt

    Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan is involved in a publicity stunt to fool voters. It gives her a chance to lie to the people. Michigan is an important swing state and they are getting worried because they have nothing but lies and the backing of Communist CFR controlled media.

    The Democrats have kept minorities down and have tricked them into voting for them. Just as the Communists tricked workers into supporting them. Michigan is a swing state.

    I remember reading about how Communists in the past hanged a Communist then blamed it on anticommunists to use as propaganda and generate hate. Divide and conquer that is the motto of the Democrats. Then they blame Conservatives for not coming together. They want you to join them, they refuse to join you. The Bible says Jesus came to cause division to separate the sheep from the goats.   

    They mention how great John McCain was. McCain was a Liberal pretending to be a Conservative, like Romney. And that includes the Bush family Skull and Bones Illuminati who supported the Marxist New World Order along with the Russian President.

    This ‘kidnapping’ of the Michigan Governor is a publicity stunt to support her campaign.

    They say the FBI and Department of Justice have arrested some state militia men.

    There are Communist Obama operatives in these departments who hate Trump just like the corrupt ex-FBI Director James Comey. Gritchin blamed Trump for the violence. But it was that encouragement by Democrats and the media that encouraged the riots which are funded by the Communist George Soros who hates Trump. The Democrats are desperate because they only have lies in support of their agenda and massive voter fraud. See my article documenting this massive fraud. And the media continues to lie about this falsely saying mail in votes are safe.

    Biden told us all the things he would do, which are what Trump is already doing.  But he and Obama had 8 years to do what he claims and did not do it! They are obviously lying.

    This election will bring in more economic destruction of private businesses and totalitarian control under the Communist founded and run UN. Along with support of China’s economic Communists attacks on our country.

    It has been proven that Hillary, Obama and the DNC paid to produce fake evidence to attack Trump and our Constitution. And the Democrats did not do their jobs, they spent millions only to prove Trump was innocent!


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