Corrupt Politics

         The Washington Post on Wednesday published an article based on emails obtained from a laptop that Hunter Biden, the son of former vice president Joe Biden, had left behind for repair in a Delaware shop in April 2019 then forgot about it.

Hunter Biden arranged for a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm Burisma to meet with the then vice president Joe Biden, when he was in charge of U.S. policy toward Ukraine.

One e-mail said, “Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spend some time together. It’s realty an honor and pleasure,” reads the email, written by Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma.

Hunter Biden in 2014 became a board member of Burisma, which news reports at the time which is a conflict of interest, given his father’s position. Burisma gave Hunter a job paying 80 thousand a month, even though Hunter had no knowledge of business or energy.

The former vice president Joe Biden has said he did not discuss Burisma with his son and knew nothing about it, which has proved to be false. The email is not specific about the nature of the meeting.

Of course The New York Post says the claims in The Washington Post has not been proven.

The New York Post is known for its Fake News for many decades, along with NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, and New York Times, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, etc. I have known about Fake News since the Kennedy assignation and Watergate. The Internet was not around then.

When this story hit the fan, Facebook and Twitter deleted all mention of this scandal, and the CFR controlled major news media ignores it.

I saw a video of Joe Biden at a meeting of the CFR where he admits he asked the President of the Ukraine to fire the investigator into corruption in an energy company which Hunter worked for.

The CFRs are Communist/Illuminati who control media - the source of Fake News - are government, educational, and corporation leaders. This is all described in detail in the plan of the Illuminati of the the Prioy de Scion.

  The emails have not been independently obtained by the Washington Examiner, but the Biden campaign has not disputed their veracity, and the new emails fit Hunter Biden’s pattern of seeking deals in China, etc. Hunter Biden's lawyer did not respond to a request for comment, and Biden refuses to answer.

One newly revealed email from James Gilliar, a member of the J2CR international consulting firm, to Hunter Biden, is dated May 13, 2017, and it discusses “expectations” of a yet-unclear deal while claiming that “we have discussed and agreed the following renuneration packages.” The email notes that “Hunter” would receive “850” (in context, this appears to mean $850,000) and lists him as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC” — the China Energy Fund Committee.

CEFC China Energy is a multibillion-dollar Chinese conglomerate founded by Ye Jianming, a Chinese Communist Party-linked business tycoon who has since disappeared in China but with whom Hunter Biden had attempted to work out numerous deals. The email goes on to say that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate” and that “at the moment there’s a provisional agreement that the equity will be distributed as follows,” including “20” (likely 20%) for “H” (Hunter). The email also asks about “10 held by H for the big guy,” who is not identified. (No doubt Joe Biden) Gilliar adds that he is “happy to raise any detail with Zang if there is [sic] shortfalls” — a likely reference to Zang Jianjun, the former executive chairman of CEFC.

When Patrick Ho, one of Ye’s lieutenants, was charged by the Justice Department in 2017, the first call he made after his arrest was to Joe Biden’s brother James, who has said that he thought the call was meant for Hunter Biden. Ho was indicted under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the Southern District of New York for his role in a global money laundering and bribery scheme aimed at government officials in Africa. The Justice Department also accused Ho of helping with Iranian sanctions evasion and working to use the Chinese company’s connections to sell weaponry to Chad, Libya, and Qatar.

Ho immediately tried reaching out to the younger Biden for help because that summer, as investigators circled, Hunter Biden agreed to represent Ho as part of Biden’s efforts to work out a liquefied natural gas deal worth tens of millions of dollars with Ye. The vice president’s financier brother said he was surprised by the call from Ho but told the Chinese businessman how to get in touch with his nephew.

The lucrative deal Hunter Biden set up with CEFC China Energy fell apart when Ye disappeared after being detained by Chinese authorities (Hong Kong not Communist Beijing) in 2018. Ho was sentenced to three years in federal prison in March 2019 and was deported to Hong Kong in June after finishing a shortened sentence.

Another document obtained by the outlet includes an “Attorney Engagement Letter” from September 2017 between Biden as the attorney and Ho as the client, which the outlet said related to “matters related to U.S. law and advice pertaining to the hiring and legal analysis of any U.S. Law Firm or Lawyer.” The letter identified Ho as “Secretary General of China Energy Fund Committee” and noted that Ho agreed to pay Biden “the sum of $1,000,000.00 as a retainer at the time of the execution of this agreement.”

More details:

Also,  “In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds,” the GOP Senate report alleged, also claiming that “Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of Moscow.”

The fact is a person with a criminal background cannot run for office in the United States. Of course the law is ignored by Democrats and Fake do nothing Republicans.


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