Who Will You Choose?

       This election is not a choice between two ways of managing our country as the media would have you believe, and you select the best one. It is war between good and evil. Do we follow God, or do we follow Satan? Do we do what is right, or do we do what is evil?

Ever since man fell by choosing to follow Satan, man has suffered from robbery, slavery, death, sickness, wars, fights, torture, cataclysms, lies, false information, and hate. That is what we face today. America has come the closest to solving these problems by being the greatest nation on earth and history based on the principles of the Bible. Then they say we are not a Christian nation and slander us to our enemies. Of course we can never reach perfection until Jesus sets up his kingdom.

George Washington warned that party politics could destroy America, and that is exactly what is happening. One party wants socialism so they can bribe people to get everything for free, and the Liberals make a profit off it.

People in other countries are encouraged and funded by the Communist George Soros to invade our border to bribe them to get their votes with our money and take our jobs. You say but some only want to live a better life. The problem is socialism in their country. If they did what is right and follow America they could be successful too. But the bureaucrats and dictators won’t let them be free. However, if immigrants are honest people truly coming to America to become part of the solution that is what made America great. These people don’t come here to live off American’s handouts or come to attack us, or turn our country into their socialist country, or are carrying a disease. But we cannot know this unless they are vetted. Same thing goes for voting. We must not let those who hate our country select our leaders.

This party doesn’t tell you that with socialism will have to charge you by making you work for them as slaves, or they steal it from those who do work causing them to work for less money, or lay workers off. The law of physics applies here, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every time you get something someone has to give something up, this is why it is called a trade for something you have that the other person doesn’t. You trade, you work for food and shelter, etc. Socialism takes and does not give to the person creating the money, this is called stealing. Socialism causes debt paid by taxes or inflation then recession. And this sends companies to other countries, and some go broke. That political party wants to send us all back to slavery on the plantations, and the government will take care of you and give you free housing, food, etc. as long as you obey. Then they work you to death, while they get rich. Or they will kill you as worthless eaters.

This party says their opponent is giving tax breaks to the rich. They don’t tell you that the rich are pouring hundreds of millions into electing their Comrades so they can place ads, and invent news sources to lie to what they call the stupid public. If their opponents are giving tax breaks to the rich, then why are the rich pouring hundreds of millions into supporting their election? And the other side gets donations mostly from the silent majority?

It is terrible that people will lose the Affordable Care Act where, “You can keep your doctor.” But you cannot keep him! One payer health care means healthcare dictatorship, where they don’t care if you get well or not. Government healthcare is a joke, it causes the cost to go up and produces inferior care because there is no competition. Every time Government takes over something it gets worse, because it doesn’t matter if you get a good product or not, they still get paid more than nongovernment workers, even when they fail to do a good job.  The socialist government is a dictator that only does what benefits those who are in control.

This party says they will support the Green New Communist Deal, then they say they will not support the Green New Communist Deal? Then when asked if they would stack the court with judges who will twist the Constitution to mean whatever they decide. Then refuse to answer.

Then they complain that they don’t want an honest judge who will support the Constitution that gave us our wealth and freedom.   

What made America great was our Constitution and the free enterprise system where you create a product or service and make a profit suppling people with these products and services. If your product or service is not good the consumer can go to your competitor. This is like the check and balances in our Government of House, Senate, Executive, and Judicial which keep each other honest. A win win situation. But they want to take over all branches of Government to create a dictatorship.

The free enterprise system is not Capitalism controlled by corporations (created to control business) who lobby the government for favors creating corruption. The Bible says it is a sin for public workers to receive a bribe. Under government lobbyists like the health and drug industries they can charge whatever they want, because it is free (?). Congressman and Senators then favor those who support their re-election, and they are given stock in worthless green energy that has to be supported by government bail outs from tax payers. Then the taxes destroys all honest businesses causing workers to be laid off. Then you pay all the bureaucrats who manage it.

Socialized medicine has made people wait longer for care, it costs more money, and it creates shortages and poorer care. And when they run out of money they have to kill off the weak thus they have to create death panels to decide who gets care and who doesn’t.

This party spent 8 years bankrupting our country, then they lie about it supported by Fake News as described in the New World Order plan of the Illuminati. Then they blame the other party. They refuse to come out of their hole in the ground to tell people what they stand for. Then at the last minute they decided to lie and claim they will do everything the other party is already doing.

They lobby for Chinese, Russian, and Muslim Communists and defend them, so they can steal our money, inventions, weapons, and jobs.                                   

How many Presidents or other politicians kept their word? Only Trump has done that. He is not a member of their secret societies scheming to bring about a world dictatorship that will make them rich like all the other Kings and Dictators in history. They hate America because it is greatest and best nation in history and it stands in the way of their Antichrist’s Kingdom. America has been a light in the darkness of this world, and they hate that because they cannot control and profit from it. And when someone shines light on their evil they pretend to be angels of light -Illuminati. The Falsely Illuminated.

One side supports trillions of dollars in taxes to tear down all buildings and rebuild them at taxpayers’ expense, falsely claiming it will magically cost nothing and save energy.

They want to put us under Communist UN control to save us from the unproven theory of Weather Change, to scare us into submission, riots, inflation, debt, killing, slavery, spreading of disease because it helps force us to go under a totalitarian dictatorship. As for lowering CO2, it is the gas that plants breath, which creates oxygen that we breathe. They want to stop all CO2 from cows. How are they going to do that, kill all living things that give off CO2? When the dinosaurs lived the atmosphere had a high amount of CO2 and greater oxygen content at higher pressure causing a greenhouse effect; and plants and animals were larger, more abundant, and healthier than we are today. It was a tropical paradise worldwide.

This party has supported the killing of 21 million babies since Roe V Wade. Mainly blacks. And they complain that Covid19 has killed 200,000 when it would have killed 2 million if we had not closed our border in time. And they slandered the person who took action. Then call him insulting names. Then they lie and say he didn’t act soon enough. Chameleon Harris accused Biden of being racist, now she has forgotten about that and heaps praises on him, since it will help her to become President when he dies or is declared incompetent. 


They also didn’t want to kill two of the worst terrorist murderers. And they destroyed our economy and funded riots, and lied from our media supporting the peaceful riots in black neighborhoods destroyed and terrorized citizens. Then they want to disarm citizens so they cannot defend themselves, then defund the police so no one can protect unarmed people.

They want wars to give them a profit, to take away our fuel, our cars, our businesses with regulations and taxes, sending our companies to other countries, supporting and protecting terrorists, getting rid of religion, using socialism to make us slaves of the all-powerful government, open our borders to everyone including sex traffickers, drug rings, gangs, terrorists, and diseases without vetting. They want unending wars that gives them a profit and spread Communism disguised as Democracy. We are NOT a Democracy, we are supposed to be a Republic under the Constitution that gave us our freedoms and success.  


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