Freedom Stolen by Pandemic Attack

This is from Yahoo Fake News: As Communist Governor Kim Reynolds Phoney Republican RINO Resists Mask Mandate, Iowans Sour on the GOP. "Liar!" She supports Democrats! She says she works with both Democrats and Republicans. TRAITOR!

Covert19 attack by Chinese Communists and Democrats is over. This is Fake News from Yahoo. When you go to you always see slander and lies about Trump. Yahoo has removed the ability to comment on these articles because of the FLOOD of debunking’s they get. 

China deliberately created Covid19 as a bioweapon and the Democrats knew about it. They hyped it in all Council on Foreign Relations CFR Illuminati controlled propaganda organizations: CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Washington Post, New Your Times, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.

The Democrat and Republican traitors have been deliberately working with Chinese, Russian, and Iranian Communists to defraud Americans and put us under the control of International Communist/satanic/Illuminati for a Marxist world government. The Hunter and Joe Biden scandal is only a tip of the iceberg.  

Here is the truth about Project Covert19:  “Totalitarians and con-artists who hyped and exploited the coronavirus panic to steal freedom and destroy livelihoods are in the crosshairs, facing the wrath of a team of high-profile international lawyers and doctors determined to seek justice. According to the attorneys involved, the coming tsunami of legal action against the COVID-19 tyrants within and outside government represents the biggest set of tort lawsuits in human history. The scientists and medical experts in the coalition contend that governments’ response to the “pandemic” was beyond unjustified. Whether justice can be secured in courts across the United States and even in other nations, though, remains to be seen.”


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