Corruption Illuminati in the Church

    I am e-mailing Pastor Jack Hibbs for his answer to this! Today October 23, 2020. It is now October 25 and Jack hasn't answered me. If he doesn't respond then he is admitting he is guilty. 

    Like asking Biden how he is going pay to tear down all buildings and replace them with energy saving buildings. He did say once that it would cost nothing, and it would pay for itself in energy savings. Tell Trump he should have built his Trump Towers for free. Of course labor and materials are all free right? Anyone want to work for Biden? 

    I have been to a lot of churches and found them wanting. Then I went to several Calvary Chapels and thought they were some of the best churches, but I began to see I was wrong.

    I am a creation science researcher author of Mysteries of History Revealed,

and Calvary Chapel Chino Hills had a conference by the Institute for Creation Research. When I went to the book tables afterward I heard the featured speaker Frank Turek talking to someone and he said I don’t agree with ICR. So I asked him, so what do you believe? Do you believe in long ages? He said the universe is very old. I asked him then there was death before Adam? He said he was busy and walked away.

    Frank Turek one of the authors of the book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist. Theistic evolution is satanic atheism in Christianized form! The book should be titled: I Have Enough Faith to be an EVOLUTIONIST.

    The founders of evolution state that evolution was created to undermine belief in God and the Bible. It completely contradicts the Bible, and supports a form of New Age Religion i.e. occult evolution where aliens are the gods that seeded our planet and guided our evolution from apelike creatures. Charles Darwin's uncle was a Knights Templar Mason who were promoting evolution. It is a materialistic naturalistic explanation of the origin of the universe without the Creator. Evolution, Marxism, and Socialism are referred to in the Illuminati plan as theories they know are false but will be used to undermine the truth by Fake News and Fake Science.

Charles Darwin Was a Massive Satanic Fraud

Erasmus Darwin was a Mason. Though, Erasmus Darwin was no ordinary Mason, he was one of the highest ranking masters in the organization; a 33rd Degree Mason. He was the master of the famous Canon-gate lodge in Edinburgh, Scotland. Moreover, he had close ties with the Jacobin Masons (The Illuminati) who were the organizers of the revolution in France at that time ...

    Hugh Ross is the leading theistic evolutionist. He is a False Prophet, I heard him on the radio with Focus on the Family James Dobson (another theistic evolutionist) saying when they landed on the moon they found just as much dust as they expected since the moon is billions of years old. The evolutionists predicted billions of years of dust that a space craft could sink into like quicksand. That is why they made wide feet for the lander. Ross is a liar, the astronauts didn’t have enough loose dirt to put up the flag and it fell over when they launched from the moon.

    At another conference a week later at the Chino Hills church Ted Cruz’s father spoke in support of Cruz for President.

    I knew that Ted Cruz is an  Knights Templar Illuminati Mason behind the Liberal Democrat/ Conspiracy the Marxist New World Order, proven by his masonic hand sign when saluting the flag at the Republican Presidential Debate.

    Here is what I said about Cruz in an article September 15, 2020: (NOTE: Cruz has recently rejected funds from corrupt lobbyists and is supporting Trump.)

     Ted Cruz's father spoke at this prophecy conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in support of Cruz. Another conference by the Institute for Creation Research, about a week before had a Theistic Evolutionist as the main speaker Frank Turek. I have discovered since then that Calvary Chapel's dove Holy Spirit symbol means they are part of the Satanic Charismatic Movement (the symbol came from Aleister Crowley's satanic secret society (part of the Illuminati) logo the same as TBN's) led by the secret societies the Jesuits and Masons. 

    Calvary Chapel's founder was Chuck Smith, and Greg Laurie of Harvest Church Riverside CA (a break off from Calvary Chapel). Chuck Smith and Greg Laurie spoke at the Harvest Crusade along with the False Prophet promoting heresies, Rick Warren bringing the Catholic False Prophet and Chrislim joining Catholics and Muslims with Christians under the False New Age Religion of the coming False Prophet of Rome who will work with the Antichrist and his New World Order.

Greg Laurie and Chuck Smith with the False Teacher Rick Warren.

Notice Rick Warren on the cover of Rockefeller's Magazine of Fake News. You won't see Trump there unless it is slander. Also notice Obama atheist, and John McCain the phoney conservative who supported Biden and the Communist agenda. His daughter still does.

    See this link for details on the fact that Rick Warren is following the plan of Helena Blavatsky who inspired all secret societies and satanist Aister Crowley!
It's called “The Emerging Church Movement,” which was plotted a century ago by occultists like Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey.

    Then see my article:

     Just found this on the Internet, Rick Warren is Illuminati: 

Rick Warren — Illuminati Deceiver

Rick Warren, called "America's Pastor" by the Illuminist-controlled media (Council on Foreign Relations an Illuminati organization that controls Fake News and in government), has over 100,000 churches and pastors signed up in allegiance to his New Age Purpose-Driven Movement. Richard Land, meanwhile, is heard on over 600 radio stations and is a featured speaker at Southern Baptist conclaves. Rick Warren—CFR Puppet, "America's Pastor" ...

    "All of Calvary Chapel’s schools have adopted the evil destructive common core curriculum of the Antichrist, and their finances are all secret.”

    So this proves the Antichrist is in control of most of our church organizations. This is also described in the plan of the Illuminati.

Read their plan in their own words at: 

    “Jack Hibbs claims to “fight for truth” yet once again he only mobilizes his sheep to fight a very narrow band of political football issues as he continues to ignore the wireless agenda that he has been apprised of. As a matter of fact he has refused to address the recent presentation I did at Calvary Chapel Golden Springs that resulted in the termination of my friend’s long time ministry at the church 2 months ago. This one hour twenty minute presentation that you can watch here laid it all out and Jack Hibbs is actively involved in suppressing this information as he takes part in the worship of the (Mark of the Beast technology system)." 

Look no further than Jack Hibbs at his church on the altar of Google behind him, whose props were erected and hand crafted by Disney employees. Disney employees made this altar. Look what they made for everyone to see. It is the Masonic G in the compass triangle. The eye represents Baal, and the symbol of Baal was symbolized as the solar magic square 666 in ancient Egypt.


    Notice the colors, red stop, amber prepare to go, green GO! Roosevelt's New Deal, now Green New Deal. Communism was red, now it is Green! 

    "So what is the difference between God’s work and the devil’s work? Sometimes it is not so easy to tell. Sometimes it is. Take for example the Illuminati corporate symbolism in Disney’s logo. This just so happens to be the company that had its employees handcraft the Google logo on the stage along with the dinosaur and the other props for the week of VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL FOR THE CHILDREN!” No doubt promoting theistic evolution.

        Google or G is the G in Freemasonry meaning Gaia or Geo the earth mother, Disney’s Mother Nature, the goddess or unholy spirit of Satan’s Trinity. Many churches rent Christian films, and that includes Disney cartoons.

    WARNING this information above is correct about Google and the Calvary Chapels, from the web site below, except it comes from another false teacher The Fullerton Informer (BELOW) which teaches the false conspiracy theory that the earth is flat. And that the Rapture will not happen. These theories are to undermine the truth mainly Creation Science and the end time prophecies in the Bible. Satan’s plan is: A partial truth mixed with a lie will be believed. I do agree with what he said above, "So what is the difference between God’s work and the devil’s work? Sometimes it is not so easy to tell." Which includes the web site mentioned who had this quote, and Calvary Chapel.

   Quote from:

    I was in the singles group at Calvary Chapel Redlands California and the holy spirit revealed to me that the teacher was teaching false doctrine. I got up and said, “You are of the Devil!” He laughed, and I walked out.


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