Debate Will be Biased! No it turned out very Fair!

     Below I wrote that before the debate. It turned out to be excellent a very pleasant surprise. The moderator was very good, much better than the other moderators, and unusually fair for a Liberal from Fake News. However I suspect she was told to be by the Liberals because they drew a lot of criticism in the last two biased debates. And that helped Trump. Her questions were excellent. 

     Biden went on with his usual lies, which he hopes no one questions his "facts".   

    Here is what I said before:

    Before the debate I want to warn you that the moderator is very biased by the Fake News. So watch for tricks and leading questions attempting to twist what Trump says like the other "debates".

    I think each candidate should ask their own questions of the other candidate. Then give the other a chance to rebuttal.

     Or there should be a Liberal moderator and a Conservative moderator to take turns.  


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