Which is More Dangerous Democrats or Covid19?

Which virus causes more deaths? Socialism (A soft name for totalitarian Communism) or Covid19?

    The Bible tells us the New World Order's Marxist Antichrist will behead Christians, opponents, and Israelites like this same same bloodline did in the French Revolution led by their secret society.


 The fact that so many tested corvid positive at the Rose Garden for the formal announcement of Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court, makes you suspicious that someone deliberately infected them. And it wasn’t Trump!

Now Fake News is lying and creating conspiracy theories that say Trump and doctors are trying to fool the public about his illness.

The Fake News scribbler asked Trump as he left the hospital, “Are you a super spreader.” 

I was told when I majored in radio and television broadcasting at Pasadena City College, that you can make news by causing something to happen. This is what this 'reporter' propagandist was doing.

Trump said don’t be afraid of the virus. I agree I have not met anyone who is corvid positive. The media is hyping the fear to use as a bioweapon against Trump and keep America and the world locked down so they can take over. The Deep State socialist corruption Virus is much more dangerous, it kills many millions more than a mere 200,000. The Communists in our government and media want to bring in world government Communism, which has killed millions of people already. The Communist Manifesto was written by a satanist named Karl Marx.

Communism Killed 100 Million People in the 20th Century ...


 At least 100 million people died under self-described communist regimes. Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, and Kim Il Sung…

The Holocaust - Facts, Victims & Survivors - HISTORY


In fewer than four years, more than 1.1 million people were killed by socialist Nazi forces at Auschwitz under the command of Adolf Hitler. People were crammed into cattle cars with little food or toilets ...

The Democrat/socialists abortion is the leading cause of death!

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 20199 ...

Though the abortion rates have been dropping in the past decade, abortion remains the leading cause of death in the United States alone, as well as the world. An estimated 61 million unborn babies have been killed in abortions in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade in 1973. (Interesting, that was the year Biden entered politics) In January, pro-life advocates will gather for the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. to remember ..

The Communist United Nation's Agenda2030 supported by Democrats plans to kill off 75% of earth's population for sustainable development under Technocracy.

Muslims supported by Democrats and Liberal media suppress reports of Muslim atrocities. 

Islam Has Massacred Over 669+ Million Non-Muslims Since 622AD

In India alone, in 1988-90 @ Kashmir Hindu Pandit Genocide, in this modern world, Muslims have killed 5 million Lakhs hindus and made another 2.5 million Lakhs to leave Kashmir and migrate to other parts of India. This was not an act of terrorists, it was the normal civilian muslims who along with extremists have done this gruesome act of horror. These Muslims supported by Democrats have killed millions of Jews and Christians also. And this is not reported by the Democrat controlled media.  And this does not count all the Christians killed all through history by Islam.
     And it does not count the 9/11 and other bombings.
    And we must not overlook the Spanish Inquisition which murdered 2000 people for being Muslim, Jewish, or Protestant Christian. They were tortured and usually burned to death. And the expulsion of 40,000 Jews which were not allowed to take anything with them. 
        Of course the power of the Vatican today suppresses the facts of history with Fake News and claims the Inquisition wasn't as bad as claimed. However, the link below gives a more accurate history.
         The Vatican created the Jesuits which infiltrated many countries and were expelled for attempting to take over governments around the world. 
        Then the Jesuit Jacques de Molay (connected to the Freemasons) created the Knights Templar secret society made up of 9 knights, and went to Jerusalem to retrieve the gold hidden in Jerusalem mainly under the Temple, in 70 AD. 
    They created the Crusades as a cover for their search. Then a short time later they left for Europe, leaving others to carry on the war against the Muslims. 
        This is why the copper scroll found in the Qumran caves hid there by the Jewish cult of Essenes listing the places where the treasures were hidden, led to empty hiding places. 
        The Knights Templars went back to Europe and built castles and attracted more members and they became bankers to loan money to rulers to control all the old Roman Empire. This is why Philip IV after being warned several times arrested them a few years later and put them on trial. 
        Returning to Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand who sanctioned the Inquisition to purge Spain of all but devout Catholics.         Many persecuted people escaped to America for religious freedom. So the King and Queen sent Christopher Columbus to cross the sea to claim it for the Vatican. 
     The Vatican continued to exert control of the American Colonies through the English King, until the American Revolution. 
       The descendants of these Knights have tried to take over America ever since to create the New World Order of Antichrist.   

Revelation 9:18 A third of mankind was killed ... - Bible Hub

The Sixth Trumpet … 17 Now the horses and riders in my vision looked like this: The riders had breastplates the colors of fire, sapphire, and sulfur. The heads of the horses were like the heads of lions, and out of their mouths proceeded fire, smoke, and sulfur. 18 A third of mankind was killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur that proceeded from their mouths. This world government is supported by Democrat socialists.


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