Evolution is Science Fiction

    Evolutionist posting on Facebook from a group.

JD Kain

Creation VS Evolution, A Discussion In Truth

We've heard a lot in this group from creationists involving deevolution or deevolving, often with supposed examples. (Devolution and devolution misspelled.)

Can one of the creationists in the group give a definition of each that would pass muster in a science course? For example, what are the genetics involved? Does whether the mutation benefit the organism or not factor in? Also, what of the environment? If an organism "loses" DNA but gains a feature beneficial in their environment, is that evolution or devolution? What about if the organism "gains" DNA, say through a duplication and a point mutation, but ends up losing a beneficial feature, would that be evolution or devolution?


My Answer: Mutations lead to loss of information, macro evolution needs new information for evolution. And microevolution or adaptation is already programed into the genome to help the family of organisms to survive and does not add new information. This requires intelligent design. Genetic death is going on following the law of thermodynamics, things run down not up called the law of entropy. Mutations produce destruction of part of the genome and can lead to death. If the world goes on stars will burn out and life will become extinct and gravity will not be strong enough to pull it back into a big bang. And each big bang, if explosions can produce design proven false by science, each explosion would be like a bouncing ball, getting weaker and weaker then heat death. By the way no one has seen a star form. 


Those studying evolution often misinterpret beneficial mutations, those that give an organism a new and helpful attribute, as evidence for the theory. The big problem is that every studied mutation has always led to a loss of genetic information, even if a beneficial new attribute was added in the process. Real quickly one can realize that if all documented forms of mutations have ultimately led to a loss of genetic information, then how can it be possible for an original single celled organism to evolve, even gradually, into a human being?


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