Californa Voter Guide

If you are not in California go to:         

I support the Constitution and I know that Conservative Republicans (No RINOS) support Christianity and all truth. The Democrat Party has become organized crime for Communists. For example Hillary murdered Vince Foster and dumped his body in a park in Arkansas. Covering up for her laundering money for drug and gun runners. Then she went to his office the next day, locked the door on the secret service and destroyed all his records of her crimes. The same thing she did with 33 thousand incriminating e-mails.

Trump has proven to be the greatest President in history under the worst illegal attacks and lies. And like all Christians he kept his word. He is not a politician who sells out our Republic to Russia, China, Iran, or Communists. He supports just laws.

The media controlled by CFRs for the Communist New World Order of the United Nations of Antichrist hate him because he stands in their way.

I have produced a Voter Guide for California, one of the WORST states for criminals in our government. You can do the same.

I judged each Proposition on support for or against the Constitution, weather it is supported by Fake News or Communist organizations like the ACLU, or supported by Democrats or Republicans.


Tamika Hamilton



Jay Obernotte

Ted Howze

Nisha Sharma

Alison Hayden


Lisa Murkowski

Dan Sullivan

Tommy Tuberville

Tom Cotton 

Martha McSally


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