Witchcraft in the Church

        I have been a Trump supporter because of the good things he is doing bringing back America to its original foundations under the Constitution. But I was shocked when NewsMax Chris Salcedo said on his television program that Trump gets his philosophy from Norman Vincent Peal's The Power of Positive Thinking. And the announcer recommended this book along with Trump's book The Art of the Deal. 

    Chris Salcedo said at that time, unlike Biden and Nancy Pelosi which are not good practicing Catholics because they support abortion. Chris Salcedo said, "I oppose abortion because, I am a good practicing Catholic." 

    I said, "That is not the right reason to be against abortion." Everyone naturally knows death is not good, and murder is a sin. And God tells us, "Thou shalt not kill." 

       I learned a long time ago from my mother that Peal was a False Teacher. Then when I told my wife yesterday and she wouldn't believe me. I did not know why Peal was a false teacher, so I decided to research this subject.

     Heretics invent a different god and gospel and make it seem to be Christian. The Bible warns that these false teachers will teach things opposed to sound doctrine which will "tickle the ears," or satisfy man's carnal desires, and "turn (them) aside to myths," (2 Timothy 4:3-4). From:


Norman Vincent Peale popularized what came to be known as positive thinking. He took existing ideas from Christian Science (which is neither Christian nor science but pagan Hindu doctrines) and other man made inspirations, gave them a biblical veneer, integrated them with psychology, and packaged them for the masses, spreading his message through The Power of Positive Thinking and his other works. His foremost contribution to the world was this notion that thoughts are causative, that our thoughts can change our lives, our health, our destiny. Readers were thrilled with this notion that if they believed it, they could have it, or be it, or do it.

    Norman Vincent Peale developed a fascination with psychiatry as an answer, or partial answer, to his congregants problems. While he was at Marble Church, he teamed up with a Freud-trained (Freud was into the occult) psychiatrist, Dr. Smiley Blanton, to begin a religious-psychiatric clinic in the church basement. Peale believed we live in a world that is mental more than physical and this allows our thoughts to be determinative. (The Beatles had a similar idea, Strawberry Fields, nothing is real)  If this is the case, all that stands between us and our desires is properly controlling our thoughts using a form of mental activity called imaging. It consists of vividly picturing, in your conscious mind, a desired goal or objective, and holding that image until it sinks into your unconscious mind, where it releases great, untapped energies.

    In other words like Eastern Religions, reality is whatever you think it is. A virtual reality.

    Some of Peal's teachings are from Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland, among other false teachers.

    Maxwell Maltz was an American cosmetic surgeon and author of Psycho-Cybernetics, programing your mind to achieve any goal used Peal’s ideas. I remember reading this book when I was 20 in 1966.

    This is not merely guilt by association. Dr. Peale himself credits his theology of positive thinking to Ernest Holmes, founder of New Age/Occultic Church of Religious Science (Ernest Holmes, The First Religious Scientist, James Reid, p. 14). In fact, Peale borrowed the phrase "positive thinking" from Charles Fillmore, founder of the New Age Unity School of Christianity (Positive Imaging, p. 77). Charles Braden documents Peale's evolvement into his New Age synthesis in his book Spirits in Rebellion: The Rise and Development of New Thought.

    Braden, in his research wrote, "I once wrote him (Peale) saying that I had read his books and articles and in doing so had had the feeling that I was reading New Thought. Had he indeed heard their leaders, read their books, and consciously or unconsciously been influenced by them?" (p. 388).

    Peale's answer came by way of a personal call to Braden. Peale stated that "he had read them all and had found invaluable elements in them," (Ibid). Peale referred Braden to The Tough-Minded Optimist for his background. In chapter two of that book, Peale expressed dissatisfaction with both his liberal seminary education and with fundamentalism (Bible based Christianity). He began to read "spiritual literature" from Unity, Religious Science, Science of Mind, Christian Science, and from various other "metaphysical teachers" (Spirits in Rebellion, p. 389).

    These are occult philosophies. Christianized pagan religion.


    Now let's consider Prosperity Gospel false teachers, including Maxwell Maltz an American cosmetic surgeon and author of Psycho-Cybernetics, came up with programing your mind to achieve any goal like a computer.

    Another was Ron L. Hubbard who created Dianetics and the religion of Scientology. These are all offspring from Hindu Religion which came from the Babylonian Mysteries of Issus from Babel, which is Christian witchcraft today. It is part of the occult New Age Religion of making yourself into a god by mind over matter as promised by Satan to Eve.

    Also the Ecumenical Movement of bringing Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and Spiritualism together. Speaking in tongues is part of this philosophy as well as healers. Speaking things into existence. These things are bringing witchcraft into the church. 

    The false teachers tell you to make all kinds of sounds to get started, then the spirit will guide you. Then you make unintelligible sounds, then another person will translate what the spirit said. They tell you start by keep making sounds like speech till the spirit comes over you. 

    I read a book on automatic writing which tells you to scribble until your subconscious takes over and directs you. The same principle as the pendulum. It swings right left for yes, and forward and back for no. This is how demons use people. They contact you through telepathy from your subconscious called the Damon. Many science fiction books have been written this way. It is related to the ouija board and dowsing. One person asked a ouija board, "Are you the Devil?" The pointer started to go toward No, then went to Yes. When my sister passed people using a ouija board under the Pilgrimage Theatre across from the Hollywood Bowl, in the play The Life of Christ. When she passed the ouija board it stopped working. My grandmother used to hold a pencil at the tip and it would draw serpents. My mother's father was a Knights Templar of the highest rank. 

    Genuine biblical speaking in tongues is when a prophet speaks the Gospel message from the Holy Spirit to a person who does not speak his language, in the language which the prophet never learned. Similarly demon possessed people speak in ancient languages of Mesopotamia (Tower of Babel) and they often spew filthy language. Just like Antifa, Black Lies Matter, and Nancy pelosi and other Democrats.

    These people also can under Kundalini hypnoisis (Serpent power) can levitate. 

    These occult teachings are part of these False Teachers to beware. Here is a list, you will recognize many of them: 


    This is paving the way for the False Prophet in the Tribulation Period. This False Prophet I believe will be a Jesuit Pope.

    Pope Francis has turned his back on Catholic doctrine and the Word of God by supporting the Democrats in opposing Trump. He supports Obama's plans for a New World Order and has all the characteristics of the False Prophet.


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