Some Democrats are Murderers?

             Nancy Pelosi is like the rioters who shot innocent police, then went to the hospital and yelled, “I hope you die.”

Pelosi sounded like a spoiled teenager about Trump’s illness, “He deserves it.” No he doesn’t, liar.

NewsMax television says many Liberals on social media are saying they hope Trump dies. The Bible says what a person thinks in their hart makes them an adulterer, and if they want someone to die they are a murderer. What a man thinketh so is he. What does that tell you about the Democrats.

The Bible says do not rejoice over your fallen enemy.

Also, condoning abortion makes you a murderer. They claim it is a woman's right because the baby is part of her body and is a women's health issue. Wrong! The baby is not part of her body. Also, God tells us that our body does not belong to you, it is on loan from God and you are responsible for it.


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