Save Our Republic! Save Christianity!

    Mike Pence is asking us to defend our country and its Constitution from Communist takeover. We need to support the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The Democrats will do the exact opposite.

1. This administration has cut taxes which stimulates the economy and increases jobs and salaries.

2. Cutting the socialist regulations that was killing businesses. And causing them to move to other countries.

3. Stopping criminals, sex traffickers, drug rings, smuggling, diseases, and terrorists from crossing our border. Resulting in 9/11 and Covid19.

4.  Nominating judges who interpret the Constitution as our Founding Fathers meant it to be interpreted for justice and freedom, and strike down unconstitutional laws that violate our freedoms of life, speech, religion, and pursuit of happiness. The Constitution and separation of powers, and the Electoral College keeps Government from becoming the greatest criminal organization in history. The Constitution keeps Government from ruling as a tyrant, rather than a servant of the people.

5. Moving our embassy to Jerusalem where God intended it to be the capital of Israel.

But there is lot more that needs to be done. We need to abolish Obama Care which is socialist medicine that wastes money and does an inferior job without competition in a free market, causes employers to lay people off who cannot afford it, murders the unborn, and the elderly. And the media needs to be disciplined when they bring false witness without evidence. We need to bring the criminals who created false accusations against Trump when the FBI, CIA, Justice Department, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Shiff, Hillary, Obama, the Democratic Party knew Trump was innocent but went ahead of their plan to ruin Trump's reputation with lies backed by the Communist media controlled by Illuminati CFRs.

If supports of the Constitution, Conservatives, and Christians do not prevail our country will be reverted to far worse tyranny from England before 1776. And the Green New Deal will reduce us to a poor third world country under dictators. And bring attacks from our Marxist enemies upon disarmed people with no police or military to protect them.

1. If Biden wins (mainly through voter fraud and media lies) they will allow our country to be invaded by swarms of rioters/looters, criminals, Communists and radical Muslims who will kill all Patriots, Christians, and Jews.

2. Massive taxes and regulations on businesses causing bankruptcies, inflation, and recession.

3. Disarmament of citizens, police, and the military as planned by the Marxist United Nations. And give it to the U.N. so they can threaten us into submission.

4. Forced abortions and sterilizations like China paid for by trillions of tax Special Drawing Rights.

5. The placement of cash with computer money so the government can control all buying and selling.

6. The Green New Deal will take away our transportation, and fuel. Both cars, trucks, and airplanes.

7. Tear down all buildings and replace them with more energy efficient ones and keep people in small chicken coops and do away with family homes. And charge trillions more in taxes.

8. Finally they will behead anyone who opposes Islam, Communism, or United Nations.

9. They will shut down all Christian organizations and arrest anyone that is religious and not worship the pope of the One World Religion.

10. And force everyone to work for the government as slaves of the New World Order or be terminated.

11. Fill the courts with lawless dictator judges who will have no rules to follow except their own.

Save our country, remember the Alamo! Go the site below and defend our Republic!

25 million registered Christians did not vote! This may be your last chance to save freedom and Christianity in America!

For information on what to vote for voting help and how to reach Christians. It also has PROPAGANDA that makes Democrats sound good.


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