Fake News Countered by We the People

Fake News from Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/former-treasury-secretary-lew-says-125300506.html#comments 
Tax Cuts will Leave America Broke
Really? Let’s see what We the People say. Here are their comments:

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Auldaney: I agree, Congress needs to cut back on spending on Unconstitutional socialist programs that are bankrupting this country. Like sending money to enemy countries. See BiblicalSciencenews.blogspot.com
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Treasury secretary is a liar!
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Maybe cut back on spending.
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    • Tim 2 hr ago
Then congress should stop spending and wasting so much, huh?
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The government will not be broke if it stops spending more than it takes in. Cut spending! Reduce the size of the leviathan. Allow people to become self-sufficient again instead of being slaves to puppeteers in Washington.
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Drain the swamp!
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    • J 1 hr ago
Under this guy and Obama it was okay to rack up $9+ trillion using quantitative easing, wasteful spending and paying billions to foreign countries, but tax cuts to promote growth is bad? Give me a break.
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The problem isn't tax revenue, it's an out of control Government that spends 125% of all tax revenue. Any increase in tax revenue is never applied to the debt, the Government just spends it on some idiot program (Free phones anyone?). Where was Lew when Obama was doubling the debt.
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George Soros using tax money to destabilize foreign governments and pay rioters.
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The Swamp says: "Tax Cuts Will Leave the U.S. Broke" Common Sense says: It's the Overspending, Stupid.
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How funny he says, 'You cannot run a fiscal policy by spending trillions of dollars you don’t have'. Really? Why didn't he say anything about the welfare entitlements over the 8 years of the Obama administration.
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treesmiths3 2 hr ago
Does this guy own a business? Does he have to deal with the nonsense regulations, daily to make a profit (the same regulations that the Trump administration is aggressively cutting)? Does he have to make payroll? NO?!! Hmmm. Could it be that the Democrats have painted themselves into a corner by not siding with business interests and the people of America? Now they are just saying anything to desperately cover their behinds, and wait until mid February when paychecks begin to grow and the economy goes even higher. How can he (and the mainstream media too) ignore the many companies that have said that they are going to pay out $1,000.00 bonuses to their workers because of the tax law changes? Trump will finally get the credit for his leadership soon as the market continues its ride higher and personal incomes rise among all wage classes. The debt will come down because of the increased volume of business and personal spending. 3% GDP growth will be the new normal, not the exception. And the deficit will come down by way of increased government revenue. Just like 1981 and 1984. IMHO.
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Deja vu The same thing was said when Reagan cut taxes.
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Yet this idiot Lew said NOTHING when Obama was doubling the debt. Another New World Order FRAUD. No wonder Bloomberg and Yahoo are hyping this fool.


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