Life on Earth Before Adam?

Jeremy Auldaney so the Ángels that preexistes humans were dis they live?! Where does the Bible says there was no some form of life before Adam?
Angels were created during creation week just before man created on the sixth day to be guardians of this universe. They are spirits, they do not exist in this physical universe. They are extra dimensional beings.
The Bible says he created everything during those six 24 hour days. If life existed elsewhere it was created during those 6 days. And if he did create aliens, he would have told us. And when Adam rebelled they would be under the curse of death and entropy also.

It is materialistic thinking that leads man to make wrong conclusions about supernatural things. The universe cannot create itself, it requires intelligence outside of this dimension. And if there was life before Adam, then God lied, because God said death and entropy came because of the separation between God (the sustainer) and the physical universe which brought DEATH as a result of Adam's sin.


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