Trump's Profanity Right or Wrong?

Trump’s vulgar comments about some emigrants has produced a lot of different reactions. The Liberal Conspiracy went wacky with delight. Like CNNs string of profanity.

Trump is like Dr.Ruckman, people are more upset by how he talks, than the truth.

Joe Taylor on Facebook:
TRUMP'S MOUTH. Trump needs to remember he is not the owner of the company called the USA. He should see himself as the top diplomat. He needs to remember that a lot of women and children listen to his words and running down a country who is not hostile to us is not wise. Speaking the truth boldly is fine. But avoid the crude. He's not alone, though; President John Kennedy said that "All businessmen are sobs". But, his family were all businessmen, so he had a right to speak for his own family. But Mr. Trump needs to watch his language and consider his whole audience.

John Webb Those are good points, Joe & I hope that others will comprehend the wisdom of which you speak. Before Trump was elected, there was (maybe is) an Internet video of him speaking to a group and he was tossing out the “F bombs” like a senior tossing out bread crumbs to pigeons. That was a great concern of mine but I was also well aware that his opponent was known for her vulgar mouth tirades going back to her Arkansas years. (Jeremy: Not to mention Michelle Obama) What a disaster in pant suits she would have been. That fact never seemed to bother the left wing media. Trump’s potty mouth to me is relative to what he used to be which is greatly we just have to consider the Democratic alternative & say, “I’d rather have candied Trump with the occasional blue language than the hypocritical left wing Obama, Schumer, Pelosi machine that hates traditional America.” At least we know what Trump is thinking even though we hate how he sometimes expresses it.

Most of the former POTUS had a problem with expletives all the way back to Truman but the left could care less if it is one of their own. Trashy gutter language is SOP for the far left but it is only a sin when it comes from the right. Their MO is to destroy this presidency in any way possible and I for one am getting _______sick & tired of it. I don’t mind saying that I abhor what the left stands for I especially hate the tactics they use in carrying out their diabolical mission. Of course I’ll get blasted by those more liberal readers on your FB for stating such but who cares. I’m a veteran of butting heads with the UTLA of the LAUSD so nothing shocks me anymore.

Unfortunately, because a large segment of our electorate has such questionable values & an ignorance of true American history that they can be easily swayed by these demagogues on the left who have no problem what so ever in skewing the facts & painting a false picture of anything that is said on the right. That bothers me greatly but there is little I can do about it except pray for our country and use the opportunities that I have to tell the other side of the story.
Joe Taylor
Joe Taylor I agree John Webb. Trump is tolerable because the alternative was not. Like I said, he'll probably be good for business and that will help people on the lower financial level. He is for America but he's rough like most big businessmen who say what they please all the time, It just doesn't make it into the press.

Jeremy Auldaney Yes, Trump hasn't learned to control his mouth. The Bible says it is what comes out of a man that defiles him. However the gist of what he was saying is right, but he should use more decent language. And make sure it does not taken as an insult. We need solutions, to help these people in their own country where they belong. God divided the people into countries, he did not give them the right to invade other countries and change them into what they left behind.

Jeremy Auldaney Trump is not the only one.
Shirley Even commented:
Look at Haiti, it is a crap hole..those poor people that can't manage to get above their situation... and too many countries in Africa are chaotic with terrible human rights records and mismanaged by greedy leaders... how can the rest of the world help these people? I have read many reports of the strong, wonderful people of Haiti, but they still live in a terrible, unsanitary place...many in tents...and the Clintons stole billions of donation money from those people.
Martin Duke
Martin Duke Before he was saved? Context of the Acces Hollywood audio was when they come on to me. The audio was edited out of order and easily parsed. As a billionaire you will have women throw themselves on you. Most men won't be able to fight off the temptations if at all...especially brethren because many don't even know themselves.
Martin Duke
Martin Duke Sad, these fundamentalists don't realize that people like J Frank Norris would have said the words shit and pussies from the pulpit if the context demanded it. In 2016, Trump actually said "f@#k him" about a certain political figure at a rally. Many of our conservative leaders have been affected by that wussification of believers.

John David Howe The most aggravating part, is that these media types believe the same thing about these countries, they just don’t want to say it.

Mickie Holloway I've been thinking the same thing!


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