Plan to Kill 90% Earth's Populatuion

WARNING! Since I wrote what is copied below IEHP called with automatic message a few minutes ago. IEHP Inland Empire Health Program in California we are members of, is one of the largest health programs. They were the first to reach 25 thousand members. They are EVIL.
They are promoting dangerous flu vaccinations on television, at doctors’ offices, and at the drug stores. And they are trying to force children in school to get a vaccination, and workers at companies. The Satanic Liberal Conspiracy have said they want to kill off 70% of the world's population. We refuse to get a vaccination. Television news claims you do not get the flu from the vaccine. I think what they mean is you don't get it from the vaccine, but it makes your immune system more vulnerable!, 2017 ... The idea also raises the question of which 5% of the global population would be saved? Would these be those strong and hardy enough to survive the conditions placed on the earth that would kill off the remaining 95%, or perhaps the survivors would be chosen selectively from the elite and wealthy? i.e. the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations CFR. Henry Kissinger is a Russian KGB agent and leader of the CFR and Builderbergs i.e. The Priory de Scion Knights Templar Illuminati.


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