Fox News is Fake News!

A lot of conservatives watch Fox News because they are not part of the Fake News. However I have been suspicious of them. I believe they are part of what is described in the plan of the Illuminati (Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion what everyone should read to understand what is going on) as a Liberal news pretending to be Conservative to fool the public.
Whenever I get an intuition or feeling I am usually right. Once again it appears I a right. Trump has come against Fox News for their false reporting of a poll against him.  
People if you want the truth watch and join the Tea Party, watch Huckabee’s television program on TBN, read the New American Magazine, join and read Jay Sekulow’s American Center for Law and Justice, watch Hal Lindsey’s television program on CBN, watch MaxNews television, join Faith and Freedom Coalition, read The Epoch Times newspaper. There are others too.
Here is proof I was right. Don’t trust Fox Fake News!


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