Oak Island Connection to my Books

Oak Island! I heard about it many years ago on a television program about unexplained mysteries. I have considered myself as a Mysteryologist. I love all the sciences, but mainly fossils and meteorites.

I assumed like everyone else that on Oak Island was pirate treasure. But I did wonder why someone would go to so much trouble to prevent anyone from finding it. And the mystery of who put it there. It was like they didn’t want anyone to dig it up!

Now that the television program The Curse of Oak Island came on, my wife and I were fascinated. And after a few programs I was shocked to see the evidence of a connection to the Knights Templars (The Illuminati/Nephilim bloodlines) and their treasure. I knew about the Grail Treasure in my book and wondered where they could have hidden it. I believe it has a lot to do with the New World Order, the rebuilding of Babel, and the Antichrist.

I have been convinced that it and many other treasures are in Oak Island! It was like an offshore bank for the secret societies and royal bloodlines of the Nephilim Merovingians for centuries.
Now in my books Mysteries of History Revealed in Part 2, I gave a thorough research about the Knights Templar bloodlines, and that they were descendants of the royalty of Nimrod dictator of Babylon (claimed to be the linage of the gods, also called aliens by today’s myths) scattered from Babel becoming the Phoenicians and Philistines. And that they traveled the world building megalithic structures. These include the Palestinians who are claiming Israel is Palestine and belongs to them. Thus taking away God’s land to the Jews replacing it with Satan’s plan. And that their bloodlines were from the giants called Nephilim. Among them were the rulers, writers, priests, and scientists called Gnostics. Native people around the world say the giants built the megalithic structures, and mounds before they arrived.

An interesting point is UFOs and Crop Circles are associated with these structures. And people became aware of the significance of Oak Island when a strange unexplained glow was seen on the island from the shore in 1795. So three boys went to the island and Daniel McGinnis found a bowl shaped depression with a tree and a rope hanging from it. Thinking it was Pirate treasure they dug and found wooden floors at ten foot intervals. Then a stone slab with writing. Then the hole filled with sea water. However, it turned out that whatever was buried was put there many centuries before that! So what caused the glow? Also people have seen strange apparitions on the island.

The history of the island goes back many centuries. There are many researchers who have come up with information that many ancient people were connected to this island.  The Spanish soldiers, the French, Christopher Columbus, Francis Drake, Pirates, Captain Kidd, the Aztecs, Knights Templar, the Cathars, etc. They claim on the program that there are 25 theories on the origin of the treasure. And you can choose which one you believe. However, with my knowledge, I noticed that every theory has a common connection. They ALL involve Illuminated Masons originating at Babel when men were scattered! Even many of those interested who visited the Island are connected to the Masons!  Like Roosevelt, John Wayne, and some of the people who told them their theories on the television program. And most of the organization searching for the treasure were Masons!

The Phoenicians with Gentile Ashkenazi Jewish bloodlines produced the Illuminated Masons we call the Illuminati or Scottish Rite Free Masons today which are behind the Liberal Conspiracy, and New World Order. In 1305 October 13th under persecution from Philip IV, they scattered all over Europe, but mainly Scotland and Portugal. When they revived on the world stage they set up headquarters in Europe as the Royal Institute, and in America as the Council on Foreign Relations with a Masonic headquarters in Washington DC.

In ancient times they were both Knghts Templar Masons and Pirates, using guerilla warfare. In other words merchants and thieves. And they produced the banking system in Europe that controls or manipulates all governments and businesses worldwide, starting in the Old Roman Empire with the Rothschilds.

The Knights Templars created the Crusades as cover so they could  search under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the hidden tunnels. After a short time, they returned from the Crusades wealthy to build castles all over Europe, abandoning the Crusades to others.
They rule by loaning money to rulers with interest which they acquired from the gold hidden under Jerusalem in 70 AD when the Romans took the city.

In my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 2, (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=auldaney&ref=nb_sb_noss)I researched the Grail Treasure. And I believe that it was hidden to be found when the Antichrist is revealed, and will contain what will appear to be evidence that the Once and Future King (King Arthur of the Knights Templar Dragon Society of Masonry and the False Prophet Merlin a Druid) will be reincarnated. And that he will claim to be the Messiah who will save the earth, Jesus reincarnated who was an extraterrestrial from a planet around Sirius. He will be the coming descendant of the French Royalty of Merovingians who will be the Antichrist of the bloodline of 666 who use the Fleur de Liz as their symbol, or the six pointed hexagram of Solomon.

The treasure could consist of satanic Gnostic Documents and physical evidence and gold artifacts. One could be the Arc of the Covenant. And the Gail with preserved blood AB Negative (The rarest blood type of all) from King Arthur, or maybe Nimrod, or Jacques De Molay falsely claimed to be the blood of Jesus.
And they will connect this to the Shroud of Turin. The blood on the Shroud is AB Negative and is the blood of Jacques de Molay Knights Templar Grand Master. I proved the Shroud was used in a mock crucifixion of de Molay before he was burned at the stake in France by King Philip IV, by comparing a painting of de Molay with the image on the Shroud. They were a perfect match. Also, a dead person does not bleed when the heart stops and Jesus was dead before he was wrapped in a mummy like strips of linen.  The Shroud has blood stains.

There is a controversy over the assumed belief that all old blood degrades into AB Negative blood type. So it may not be AB. And that it was not possible to determine if it was Rh Negative. However, scientists are not always right, that is why we call it science and not gospel. And there has been a conspiracy to keep this information from the public.

Here is a rare piece of information from an expert at:

He says in the article above, “But your comment prompted me to repost today as a separate post, "Old blood does not always degenerate to type AB, so the Shroud of Turin's and the Sudarium of Oviedo's blood group being AB is significant!" my comments on the article "King Tut's Dad's Toe Returns Home," in my post "Shroud of Turin News for February 2012," referred to in comments in above article above, where a family of ancient Egyptian mummies has a blood type which was not AB, showing it does not become AB, at least not always, and this could be false, based on a bias against evidence for Nephilim bloodlines by the Vatican, and Masons.

As for the Arc of the Covenant, it will be a fake created after it disappeared after 70 AD by the Pharasees. It will be a satanic replica. I believe the real Arc Moses made went to Heaven and was replaced by Jesus the true Arc.

This Arc will be placed in the new Temple on the Temple Mount next to the Dome of the Rock, the Gentile part of the mountain. And the Temple actually belongs to Satan who will claim it in the middle of the Tribulation Period of 7 years spoken of by Daniel. And he will stop the sacrifices and place an image of himself – Baal the sun god 666.

The Grail documents will support his claim to being the Christ as a descendant of space aliens. This heresy goes back to the Qumran and Pagan cult of Ashkenazi Jew’s Christianized cult, of the Essenes.

Oak Island is part of Bible prophecy, knowledge shall be increased in the Last Days of this Gentile dispensation before the Rapture!


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