Covert 19 Attack on America

The News media and Democrats controlled by the United Nations Council on Foreign Relations New World Order Globalist Illuminati are lying about Corvid 19 to use it to destroy our economy and free enterprise system, and our Constitutional freedoms, and undermine Trump. It looks more and more like Chinese Communists are paying and working with socialist Democrats and some phony Republicans Lincoln Communist Project RINOS. They want a Marxist world government under Antichrist.
They use Covert19 to bankrupt small businesses, keep churches closed, keep people from Trump rallies, keep people from meeting in groups, censor social media, harass Christians and patriots, bring in voter fraud by mail in ballots, create rationing of essential products, cause rioting by terrorist groups like Antifa and Black Lies, kill as many elderly people and others as much as possible, bankrupt our government causing inflation and recession and defeat Republicans who support the Constitution.
They exaggerate the number of deaths by Corvid 19, they include deaths by gun shot and other diseases as Corvid, they include other diseases, they claim cases of Corvid 19 which are wrongly diagnosed with faulty testing, they spread the disease, and they deny proven cures. The Communist want to keep us locked down until after the election. They want to replace cash with computer money under their control it will lead to the Mark of the Beast 666 when you swear to worship Satan as Baphomet. 
Here is a doctor in Florida that has been on Fox News warning people.  


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