The Democratic Convention
The Bible says when the first person testifies it sounds as if he is right, until the other side presents their case.
Biden and all the others gave information that needed to be rebutted.
Biden needs to debate Trump, or give his talk and accept cross-examination from
Republicans. Proverbs 18:17, “The first to plead his case seems right, until
another comes and examines him.”
The Democrat convention was like a court case giving only
testimony from the prosecution. Then passing judgement without hearing the
other side.
Example Biden and Kamala Harris said that trump cozied up to
dictators, as if it were a fact among other things like hate. They meant that
Trump was helped by Russian interference in our elections. This was proven
false when they spent millions and precious months of time in the Democrat biased
House and came up with nothing. Then there was proof the Steel Dossier was
based on a fake information from Russian Communist agents through a crooked
British Intelligence agent Steel paid by the Clintons and the Democratic Party
to discredit Trump.
As for hate, it was Democrats that said people should harass
Republicans in public. There was a video of a woman calling names and
slandering Rand Paul in a restaurant.
Putin and Chinese Communists hate Trump because he stands in
the way of creating a Communist New World Order. Remember President Bush and Vladimir
Putin summit were pushing the Marxist New World Order in 2002. Bush announced
his support of the NWO at the Marxist founded and run United Nations. Trump
opposes the NWO and that is why Democrats hate him and say he is separating us
from other progressive nations. The New World Order is warned about in the
Bible as the kingdom of Antichrist.
The fabricated Steele report was used by the FBI to get a
FISA court illegal warrant to spy on the Trump administration to seek anything
to impeach Trump with. However the FBI and CIA knew it was a fake report, but
they had nothing else to support their attacks on Trump. Later the heads of
both were fired because of this. Now the X-CIA Director John Brennan has been investigated
and indicted for these criminal acts.
If the accusations against Trump had been true they would have
impeached Trump and it would have been spread all over establishment Fake News.
It was proven to be fake and after spending millions of tax payer’s dollars and
wasted the time of Congress. Preventing them from doing all the wonderful
things they claim they will do if Biden is elected, which were never done while
Obama/Biden were in power.
Then they went on to trump up other fictitious claims proving
it is a witch hunt and they don’t want to divulge the REAL reason they want
Trump out! At the same time they ignored the fact that Hillary had orchestrated
the sale of 75% of our uranium to Russia, to be sent to Iran to make bombs.
Who colluded with Russia? It
wasn’t Trump!
Then they lied about what Biden will do when he is elected.
And everything they said is already being done by Trump. And they lie and blame
Trump about not taking action for the Coronavirus, when he closed our border to
China, and was criticized for this by the Democrats and Fake News claiming he
is a racist. They still lie and accuse him of being a racist and not stopping
the virus! What about all the other countries, do they blame them?
As for discrimination, the fact is Democrats have caused
blacks and Latinos to be discriminated against! Then lie and say they are
helping them! Under Trump minorities are getting more jobs and pay that during
the regime of Obama/Biden/Hillary or any other time in our history! It is a
known fact that Hillary murdered Vince Foster, then had his body dumped in a
park. Only a living person can bleed, but there was no blood under him. And no
bullet was found in the park. And the gun was in his hand, if he had shot
himself the gun would fly out of his hand. Then the next day Hillary shut the
Secret Service out of Foster’s office while she and her henchmen ransacked his
office for the incriminating records he was collecting to protect himself. Then
the police covered it up for her claiming Foster committed suicide.
When a reporter on Fox
News asked a Democrat what would Biden do that Trump was not already doing? She
stuttered and tried to drown him out. During the convention they repeated the
same lies. By the way no president has kept their promises after the election,
except for Trump. Phyllis Shaftly wrote in her book A Choice Not an Echo that
in spite of the promises of change, nothing changes, because unlike other republican
Presidents they continue working with the Democrats;
The Democrats also talk about supporting our wonderful
Democracy. They don’t tell you that a Democracy is lynch mob rule. It leads to
a totalitarian socialist system. Our country was founded as a Republican
government based on the rule of law. This is why we have the Electoral College,
which prevents the majority from taking away the right of minorities. Small
states have equal rights to large states.
The Democrats say all the blackness, anger, and division is
caused by Republicans/Conservatives and it would end when Biden becomes president.
They have also said that religion must go, it causes division.
They mean all the Democrats would stop (George Soros, the
Clinton Foundation, international banksters) funding, and encouraging riots in
Democrat controlled cities backed by the Council on Foreign Relations run Fake
News, so they can blame it on Trump.
They don’t tell you that the division in America (and the
world) was caused by Democrats/socialists against Making America Great Again.
They don’t want America to be great, they want a totalitarian world government
so they can run up the debt. They want to get rid of cash so they can control
us through technocracy and bring in the implanted computer chip called the Mark
of the Beast. They want a Marxist world
government by the Communist founded and run United Nations and their world government
described in their Agenda 2030 when they want to kill off 75% of earth’s
population to save the earth. This is described in George Orwell’s book 1984.
They forget that God designed the earth to last another
thousand years and there is not going to be a climate cataclysm. And the
weather change is caused by the sun not man. In fact Carbon Dioxide is good for
plants, and there was a greenhouse effect when dinosaurs roamed all the earth,
when there was no artic ice caps. And it will not cause coastal flooding
because ice is mostly underwater and when it melts it shrinks. And the Bible
says summer and winter would never change. The only disaster that we are headed
for is the Tribulation Period after all Christians are raptured, and then God
can brings down judgement on them.
America was rapidly becoming greater and stronger and
pollution freer than any other country after Trump was elected, until the
Chinese (worst polluters in the world), made rich by Democrats trade deals,
sending our businesses overseas because of Obama’s taxes, trade deals, and
regulations. Trade deals making the Chinese (products) and Muslim (oil) rich.
Trump has made us fuel independent, and worked trade deals that keep jobs in
America, and stop China’s cheating.
They claim that Trump inherited a great America from Obama.
This contradicts Hillary who said, “America has never been great.”
The truth is since Trump took office jobs have increased, pay
has increased, minorities unemployment have gone down, and the stock market has
As for fuel: wind and solar are poor unsustainable methods of
energy. It will cost government taxation to make up for the expense. It is not
a product that can replace our fuel in a free enterprise system, where
competition keeps prices at reasonable levels. Whenever the government takes
over something it becomes more expensive. Obama Care would not only fund the
murder of millions of babies, it would create death panels to kill off older or
minorities. It would create long waiting lists, while people are dying. Right
now Planned Parenthood kills more black babies than white babies, which would
be paid for by Obama Care! Remember the Bible says, “Thou shalt not kill.”
Calling it woman’s health is a lie!
Obama on an open mike told Putin that things would be better
after Hillary wins. Also, Obama said at another time on an open mike, “Americans
are stupid they should keep quite.“ So who is cozying up- to dictators?” This
is the same thing it says in the Illuminati plan the Goyim are dumb and the
masses will be manipulated by their controlled media. The same plan they call a
fake on the Internet, and hate literature. This document reveals the Illuminati
are behind the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution, and New World Order.
And theories they know to be false: Marxism, Darwinism, and Socialism.”
The Democrats lying to people they think are too ignorant, or
brainwashed in schools and the media, and believe the lies that Trump is only
for himself. I learned about Fake News since they lied about the Kennedy assassination
as being a lone assassin, and the Watergate propaganda when Nixon didn’t do
what they wanted. This is also described in their plan. They are the ones
behind all the disinformation we hear every day. This manipulation is described
in their plan over one hundred years ago. They said they would fool the dumb
Goyim through control of the media, schools, and churches.
In the Illuminati plan they refer to the French Revolution
motto, “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”, Secular Idealism apart from God spread
to ignorant people. Then they admit that there can never be equality and it was
to fool the people. This is why Communism and Democrats try to fool people to
help them by claiming they are for the working man in opposition to the rich.
The fact is the Democrat party is funded by the rich socialists and Hollywood
celebrities. Joseph McCarthy tried to warn people about these Communists and
they are still in our government and media as Council on Foreign Relations -Illuminati
agents. This is the “equality” the Democrats refer to. This plan is to enslave,
‘”We the People.” They will be our
masters! The Democrats and Liberals all slander and lie about this Illuminati plan
to keep you from reading it. These are not Jews, they are Gentile/Jews and
their Globalist agents.
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