The number of the Beast of Revelation 666 is appearing in may places today. This is a typical code found on every product being sold. Each line is a number. See the 6. It has two lines. Now look at the three blank lines. One on the left, in the middle, and one on the right. This is 666. The Monster Energy Drink promotes Satanic Rock festivals. And their logo has been identified as 3 Hebrew letters, Vav. This letter in Hebrew can be a V or W. See the Hebrew letters below. Hebrew does not use numbers, they use letters, and Vav is also the number 6. Thus it represents 666 the number of the future world ruler the Antichrist. Both V and W represent a 6. They call their drink the Monster, another word for the Beast, another name for the Antichrist. It has also been said that the O in Monster has a Cross. Recently I realized that the three Hebrew letters resemble railroad spikes. I think these represent the three spikes that nailed Jesus to the cross. Two...
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