Brave Patriots Lead the Fight

      Democrats unlike Trump who kept all his promises and then some. The Democrats have not kept even ONE promise, other than to recklessly sign hundreds of Executive Orders which will destroy our country.

     This sign below is a LIE. It was the doctor at a press conference that mentioned they needed a vaccine that was as effective as bleach at killing the virus on surfaces, that could be used as a vaccination. Trump said that was a good idea. The Fake News spun it deliberately and some fools believed it. Right Biden you will inject us with Covid positive illegal aliens and delay distribution.

Wonder why the most evil politicians stay in office for decades and need to have term limits. Do you know that for many decades parasite politicians have relied on Communist globalist Millionaires, Corporations, Marxist Foundations, Communists in Russia China Cuba, and taxes to finance their elections? Trump and Republicans rely on individual Patriots.

Candice Owens needs your help to fight this corruption. She says Democrats and Republican traitors are neglecting protecting our country from enemy attacks, Corona virus, failing infrastructure, defense, helping small businesses get back on their feet, reopen the schools.

So far Biden has relied on the remains of Trump’s vaccinations and has neglected to get it distributed. He continually lies and does destructive things led by Obama/Hillary.


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