President Chameleon Harris

       Before Biden enter the office of President a Australian newsman reported that Biden was in the middle or last stages of Alzheimer’s Disease. And a doctor in America said the same thing after watching many of Biden’s speeches. I noticed his irrational comments.

So why did the Democrats select him to run? I believe it is because they knew that Chameleon Harris would not be able to win. Mainly because she is too far Left. Along with her comments that said Black Supremacists Only Matter and the Neo-Nazi Antifa would continue to riot no matter who wins. The Democrats are attacking all white Americans as white supremacists as an excuse to destroy America and our Constitution, in order to place us under the Marxist United Nations world government of Antichrist.  

Then when Biden is declared unfit to be President or dies, she can become President.

Even Biden refered to Chamelian as the President. And said he and Obama had put together the best fraudulent voter system ever.


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