Sad State of the Union

      I did not know the State of the Union was next Tuesday when I wrote this last night. But what can Biden say that has improved America. NOTHING. I can name many things he has done that is destroying America!

      I predicted everything would get worse and worse after Biden took office.

One of the indicators is the price of gas which would skyrocket.

Under Trump gas prices kept coming down and everything in America was Great Again. Unlike any other President he kept all his promises. 

I went by the most reasonable gas station Arco and the price in 2019 October 31 was $3.65, December 19 $3.17, December 30 $3.15, January 11 $3.11. Due to our energy independence from enemy countries thanks to Trump kept going down! January 11 $3.11. $2.93, $2.37, $2.11.

Then in January 2021 when Biden destroyed our energy independence it was $2.89. When I passed by a a few days later $3.11 and today February 18 2021 $3.14.

Biden/Obama Chameleon Harris and Executive Orders will keep America’s destruction going up and up and up and skyrocketing crime, welfare, national debt, inflation, food prices, bankruptcies, wars, electricity, rioting, terrorist attacks, skyrocketing taxes, threats from enemy countries, unemployment, Covid19, shortages, increasing senseless regulations, more suicides, more Fake News, lack of police, and disarmament.


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