Chemtrails Changing our Weather?
I didn’t believe in these chemtrails from jet planes. Mainly because they said it was for mind control. I knew there were better electromagnetic, in our food, and drugs that are better. But I am changing my mind if it is for changing our weather to fool people about Global Warming or for communications like Nicola Tesla was working on.
The Globalists want to cause global weather change (Global Warming, once called Global Cooling) to convince people to accept the United Nation’s plan to accept mandates that will pay taxes to support the Communist world government and follow their plan to set up Antichrist around the European Union revived Roman Empire.
The Democrats are supporting them, and Republicans are mostly RINOS who follow the Democrats and their Draconian plans.
I do know that HAARP mega electromagnetic transmissions
are being used for the purpose of changing the weather. And I believe these recent never before mega hurricanes and heat are the result. I believe that since we are in the last days before Jesus return, that agents of Satan are causing the many crises to happen as described in the Bible. Inflation, illegal immigration, crime, plagues, terrorism, wars, lawlessness, and sin.
Why did these jets fly in all directions instead of to their destination? This is not normal.
I didn’t believe in these chemtrail theories from jet planes. But I am changing my mind thanks to Alex Jones and Infowars.
I do know that HAARP mega electromagnetic transmissions are being used for this purpose to change our weather and possibly other purposes.
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