Shofar Trumpet Warning!

         If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior, this may be your last chance before Judgement falls on this world!          

      The Jewish holyday Rosh Hashanah will fall this year on THIS Monday Labor Day (Which is prophetically significant) symbolic of when all labor will end for Gentile Christians who will be Raptured ending the Gentile Dispensation, and brining in the Dispensation of the Jews once again, September 6, 2021 starting at 6 pm Sunday night Jerusalem time, at the beginning of Monday, the first day in creation week 6 thousand years ago. 

       Almost all Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled, except for those occurring during the Tribulation Period of Jacob's Trouble, the last week of 7 years of Daniel's prophecy of 70 weeks of years. 

     All Bible prophecies have been fulfilled on Jewish Holy Days to the very day that they were symbolic of, before they happened!

      Most Conservatives are warning that Biden administration's inflation will effect our Children and Grand Children. This is FALSE. They forget that God is going to bring judgement on the earth called the Tribulation Period after the Rapture. And NewsMax, One America News, The New American Magazine, Trinity broadcasting, Day Star etc. have forgotten prophecy! They should be warning the people you have a choice, "Look up and Repent for your Redemption Draweth Nigh! Or face Judgement!"

       Research shows that Jesus was born on September 11, 3 BC, the same day as our September11 (9/11)!

       I believe 9/11 attack was a warning to America and the world to REPENT before judgement falls on us. It is also the day God started the 7 days of creation on Monday.

        I wrote an article many decades ago about the actual date of Jesus birth, but I never heard that it was on September11th the same day as the attack! The attack on 9/11 came years after I wrote that article, and I never connected the two and I never heard of anyone who did.

       Many prophecy researchers have identified the days of Rosh Hashanah as the time that Jesus will return to change Christian Believers, and give them NEW celestial bodies like angels have. They will then meet Jesus in the air above the earth, to take them to their new home in the New Jerusalem for the wedding feast as the bride of Christ, and then preparations for their return 7 years later.  

        Of course some Jews have accepted Jesus and will go with us.            

        Meanwhile the 7 year Tribulation period on earth will produce the greatest catastrophes in earth history outside the Flood of Noah. 

   Then after 7 years, Jesus and Raptured Christians, will return to the earth to establish Jesus kingdom and rule with Him for one thousand years. Jesus will finally put His Foot Down in judgement, as a lion and rule with a rod of iron. He will put his foot on the Mt. of Olives causing a worldwide earthquake. And he will DRAIN the corrupt SWAMP worldwide. 

    However, we do not know the exact day or hour. Will it be this 9/11? Evidences point to this. Or they are odd coincidences, and there are several.         The condition of the world points to this too. My first wife who wanted to go with me in the Rapture, but died in 2001, she said I don't think the world is bad enough yet. She would not say that today. 

        For unbelievers horrible judgement will come when Satan takes control of the earth when all Conservatives are gone. They will suffer under a Marxist Liberal/Satanist Sadistic Irrational Dictator possessed by Satan controlling society in a world government shutting down all freedoms.

       Nine eleven is an amazing coincidence! And that is not all. September 11, 2021 falls on a Sabbath this makes it a High Sabbath. 

       So historically according to the Jewish believers, what is the significance of Rosh Hashanah?

       It is the birthday of the universe, the day G‑d complete the 6 days of creation week, the universe was created at this time 6 thousand years ago, in six days, starting on MONDAY (Another coincidence?) day one. And Adam and Eve were created four days later on the following Saturday starting on Friday at 6 o'clock in Jerusalem, It is celebrated as the beginning of the Jewish year, and prophecy researchers believe it will be the week Jesus will secretly return as a thief in the night! Jesus will recreate us on the very day he created Adam and Eve four days later during creation week! This blew my mind when I discovered this,  when I woke up September 3, 2021!

        Then I decided to see if it was a High Sabbath. I discovered that it IS a Hight Sabbath. And I came across Johnathan Cahn and his revelation of the Shmita!

        Remember Jonathan Cahn on a Christian television program The Book of Mysteries? He told of the significance of the Shmita which is a series of time in sevens which fit prophecy. Seven is the symbolic number of Spiritual Perfection. I just looked up Cahn's information and BINGO another coincidence? Yes, the Shmita goes back to Mt Sini where God met the Jews and gave them the Ten Commandments when the Shmita was first revealed, but actually goes back to Creation Week 6 thousand years ago on the day of the creation of Adam and Eve on Saturday, Rosh Hashanah. It goes back to the week of creation of the earth and surrounding universe on Monday! But it was revealed at Mt. Sini on Rosh Hashanah . And the real Mt. Sini has only been revealed recently in Saudi Arabia!! See my article.

    The Mystery of the Shmita goes back over 3,000 years (Actually 6 thousand years), yet it affects our lives today. The Shmita also affects America, the world, Wall Street, and the economy. It gives exact dates when events will happen. The Shmita has already determined events such as World War 1, World War 2, the Holocaust, the Atomic Age, the return to Jerusalem in 1967, and the attack on September 11. And the next one points to the Rapture this week?!

    Details are in his book The Mystery of the Shemitah by Johnathan Cahn.

    The Mystery of the Shemitah (shmee-TA) reveals a seven-year cycle mandated by the Torah for the land of Israel, then to America to carry on the work of reaching unbelievers, when the Jews rejected Jesus. Understanding this pattern is essential for comprehending the prophecy and mysteries of the Bible and how it related to the turmoil that America experienced in 2001 and 2008. In this book Cahn uncovers:

•   How the Great Depression and other economic events fit into the Shemitah.
•   How the pattern of sevens predicted 9/11 to the exact hour. And Jesus birth and the date of the creation of the world. This struck at twin towers like the Tower of Babel supporting man's pride in rebellion to God. 
•   How the World Trade Center— the icon of American pride and economic strength—was   
     both created and destroyed in Shemitah years,
•   How the rise—and possibly the fall—of America can be linked to the year of the Shemitah.

Editor's Note: it will also reveal the day of Jesus' return to earth! The next Shemitah 7 years after the Rapture!
    I saw Johnathan Cahn on TBN television tonight September 5th. It was publicity for his new book Harbinger II.
    I believe he is right. But he is not a prophet. He is a Rabbi who made some amazing discoveries. I noticed that he never mentions the Rapture. I believe he is too indoctrinated in Jewish beliefs. He believes America will have a revival. He never mentions the Tribulation Period. 
    Many Gentile theologians have a similar belief  that Christians have been given all the promises given to the Jews. And Christians will bring in the Millennium. Then Jesus will come back. This is false doctrine. Jesus is the only one that can make the world great again. 
    To save America and the world from Antichrist, would mean our leaders and people will have to reverse the same sex marriage laws, and stop sacrificing unborn babies to Baal. And start voting for Conservative Christian candidates who fight for traditional values, and the majority must stand for truth. 
    The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Texas' law that prevents murdering babies over 4 weeks from conception. That is only a start in the right direction. But it may be too little too late.  

        "Of particular interest for the High Holy Days in 2021 is that Rosh Hashanah also begins a yearlong observance known as the "Shmita."

    Editor's Note: It is interesting that this Shmita is 7 years. That means that if the Rapture occurs this Rosh Hashanah will be a Shmita. If the Rapture doesn't happen then it will not happen for another Shmita in the future, but all the signs point to this one. The conditions are right and the Antichrist and False Prophet are at work right NOW.

Commemorated once every seven years, the term comes from a Hebrew phrase that appears in the Bible in a number of passages. Some of these passages command that the farmer "drops" or "releases" his crops. Another verse associates the act with the forgiveness of debts. In another passage in the Bible, the Shmita is connected with the reading of God's revelation in the law."

       The first two days of the Jewish new year, Tishrei 1 and 2, beginning at sundown on the eve of Tishrei 1. Rosh Hashanah 2021 begins at sundown on September 6 and continues through nightfall on September 8. The symbolism God created in numbers: 6 is physical man, 8 is new beginnings.

       The blowing of the shofar trumpet is a warning of coming change good and evil depending on your belief in Jesus, or lack of.

    Here is what Jews believe in their own words:

1.       Candle lighting in the evenings, festive meals with sweet delicacies during the night and day, prayer services that include the sounding of the ram’s horn (shofar) on both mornings, and desisting from creative work. The Rosh Hashanah is the day that commemorates the creation of the world and it is described as the "coronation" of Hashem (G-d) (Editor's Note: Jews are told it is disrespect to speak G-d's real Holy name). As it is customary to sound a trumpet at a king's coronation so we blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah. By blowing the shofar we recognize the "purpose" of the creation.

2.The shofar blast marks the beginning of a period of amnesty which is known as The Ten Days of Repentance. Repentance is based on the fact that since humanity has been given free-will, and our actions are not pre-determined, we must take responsiblity for our actions. The ability to repent teaches us that our future is not bound by our past and that by changing our behavior we have the ability to change our past.

3.When the Jews accepted the Torah at Mount Sinai, the sound of the shofar is described as "continuously increased and was very great" (Exodus 19:19). The shofar serves to remind us of the revelation at Mt. Sinai and therefore to renew our commitment to Hashem and to accept that Torah morality is absolute and G-d given - not relative, nor does it depend on human understanding. (Editor's Note: Including the fact of the 6 24 hour days of creation 6 thousand years ago.)

4.The prophets called out to the Jewish People and aroused them to improve their ways. The shofar reminds us of the admonitions of the prophets and their calls to repentance. We should be aware of the fact that Hashem communicated with us, via the prophets, and displayed through them His desire to perfect us and not to punish us.

Below is where Jews are WRONG. The Temple is Jesus, not a physical temple that will be rebuilt and used by the Antichrist under a 7 year 'Peace Treaty.'

    Some prophecy researchers believe that an earthquake may level the pagan Muslim Mosque of Omar on the temple Mt., but this is not true according to the Bible. The site of the original Jewish Temple is next to it left as open ground. And like the Temple in the wilderness which was a tent, it can be set up in days. I have heard that the Sanhedrin have produced a prefab Temple. Also God did not allow any hammering or noise during its construction was considered disrespect to this Holy site. 

1. The shofar reminds us to pray for the rebuilding of the Temple where trumpets and shofars were sounded. Just as Hashem manifests His presence in the world in specific places like the Temple in Jerusalem. He also manifests His presence at special times, such as the Ten Days of Repentance. (Editor's Note: Jesus will manifest to those who believe in Him and the Old and New Testament. Unbelievers will be left behind.)

2.The sound of the shofar is supposed to inspire fear in the hearts of those who hear it. It allows (Editor's Note: Those who do not accept Jesus) one to dwell upon fear of punishment, to progress from there to fear of doing evil and then to fear of G-d. Finally one arrives at the feeling of awe of G-d. (Editor's Note: Hopefully leading unbelievers to obey G-d to avoid self destructive behavior. God does this to save us from our destructive ways because He loves us even when we disobey. Like a child told not to touch the hot stove. Or play with a gun or matches. And trusting in Him, learning to Love God as our Father. It means to respect God and approach him in reverence.)

3.The shofar reminds us of the day of judgment in the future (Editor's Note: That is at HAND and they don't know it, like when he was born in Bethlehem as a baby. We are in the Last Days latterly). And inspires us to pray for the perfection of the world, and all of mankind and looking forward to the Messianic (Millennium) era (Editor's Note: When Jesus will Make the WORLD Great Again.)

4.The sound inspires us to yearn for the ingathering of the Exiles, that will be heralded by the sound of a shofar. There will be absolute unity amongst the Jewish People (Editor's Note: They forget that Gentiles who accept the Messiah Jesus will be part of the New World Order of Israel joining all people as one family) and our (Editor's Note: Israelite Jews)  return to the Land of Israel will again be complete. (Editor's Note: Israel only has a tiny portion of the land God gave to them at this time.)

5.The shofar recalls the resurrection of the dead which will be accompanied by the sound of a shofar. As G-d is the source of all life and the creator of all existence so He has complete control over death. (Editor's Note: The Christian dead will rise with a new celestial body just before the Rapture of those who are alive.)

6. Shofar blasts were sounded preceding a war - to rally the troops for action and to call the people together for prayer and repentance. The shofar is therefore like an air raid siren that alerts us to danger, and summons us to action.

My comments:

    Right after the Rapture the Taliban and all radical Muslim cultists will join Russia in an all-out 9/11 attack on Israel and America, using the weapons and money Biden has given them to wipe Israel off the map! But Israel will totally destroy their armies on the mountains of Israel. This will leave an international power vacuum that will be filled by the Antichrist head of the United Nations. Which I believe will be Obama and False Prophet Jesuit Pope Francis. The Antichrist will then make a Peace Treaty of 7 years with Israel to bring peace to the Middle East. Then China's Communists will start World War III against the Western world and its Antichrist to assert their ambitions of controlling the world, and they will kill millions of people.

          This message is to all people to repent of the injustice, corruption, and evil they have allowed in our society all over the world ignoring and disobedience to God's Word.

    Jewish interpretation is mostly true. But they refuse to accept the true Messiah. They have returned to part of the land in ignorance in 1967. Instead they will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah, and he will turn against them after 3.5 years and try to force them to worship him and Satan or die, using the United Nation's 'Peace Keeping' forces. But God will protect them if they flee to a place he has created for them at Petra.

    What about our animals? Will they be left behind to die like Biden did to service dogs in Afghanistan? When Israel left Egypt, and when the Flood of Noah came animals went with the people that were saved. I believe all animals associated with Christians will go with them. The angels will rescue us, and we will rescue our animals who love us like my beloved Jaimea. 

    WILL Trump become President in 2024? This morning I came to a possible explanation. The possible answer is NO, depending on what happens. I have suggested a possible period of revival of Christianity and American Patriotism  under our Constitutional Republic (Democracy is evil and leads to Communism under lynch mob rule as described in the plan of the Illuminati of the Priory de Scion) Biden or some Democrat socialist will be President under Antichrist. BUT after the Tribulation Period, Trump will return and become President in 2028 under Jesus in Jerusalem, seven years from now. It is possible!


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