Covid Communist Weapon
The attack on Ron DeSantis is based on false information about Covid and its variant. Also, the variant of Covid is being caused by the vaccines causing them to adapt. The fact is more people who have been vaccinated have died from Covid than those who have not been vaccinated. And all of those who have died had other diseases that was the real cause of death enhanced by Covid. Then others who died of other causes that were falsely reported as a Covid death. And the Communists are suppressing other effective cures for Covid because the big farma will not make millions off it, and help Democrats get re-elected with donations. And it would stop the pandemic the Communists desperately want to continue to be able to control the public with unconstitutional mandates creating dangerous precedence that can be used to void the Constitution. And it would cut back on the number of depopulation deaths that the United Nations wants by 2030.
Why else would they want children to be vaccinated when they are almost totally immune?
Actually it was Fraudulent voting that
re-elected the Communist Governor of California. However, using false slander
Democrats used the Governor of Florida to scare ignorant Democrat dupes to vote
for Gavin Nuisence in California.
Yahoo Fake News says,
“The coronavirus Delta variant, it
turned out, would help galvanize California Democrats. In the months that
followed, Nuisense and his Democratic allies turned Gov. Ron DeSantis into an
unofficial opponent. They linked the Republicans on the ballot to DeSantis’
hands-off approach to the (Editor's Note: hyped scare tactics) public health crisis and doubled down on
vaccine and mask mandates that Florida’s governor has opposed.”
These Draconian Communist mandates for masks
and vaccines have been shown to be dangerous to our health and are
unconstitutional and they do NOT protect us from Covid.
The Communists are now trying recall
DeSantis with Fraudulent petitions and another Fraudulent Election.
NewsMax says we want people to regain
confidence in our elections. This is WRONG. We want honest elections that use
in person voting, with ID, and signatures.
Of course the liars will say this is
racial. Right, it is prejudice against fraudulent voters. It takes away their
freedom to cheat.
However, DeSantis cannot be recalled according
to Florida law. So this is simply a Fake News slander campaign.
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