McCarthyism was Prophecy

        The accusations by Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s sounds like a prophecy of TODAY!

       In the 1950s a wave of anti-Communism swept this nation and a Senator from Wisconsin named Joseph McCarthy decided to take on the Blue wave. He started holding Congressional hearings during which he made wild allegations against many people, accusing them of being either Communists or Communist sympathizers. In the process, he ruined the lives of many people.

       Actually McCarthy was right, but he had not done research to support his accusations with evidence and facts.

       Senator McCarthy met his Waterloo when he decided to attack the U.S. Army, claiming many of its top officers were tainted by Communism. This action hurt him in two ways. First, it turned President Eisenhower against him. Second, the Army hired a defense counsel who would surprisingly prove to be very formidable. I say surprisingly because the attorney, Joseph Welch, seemed to be someone who would be eaten alive by McCarthy. That’s because Mr. Welch had a high, squeaky voice and an elf-like appearance and McCarthy had a weak case.

       Then Mr. Welch began to demand that Senator McCarthy present evidence of his allegations.

        If McCarthy was in Congress today he would have been RIGHT. All that he did would have been proven correct!


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