Attacks on Amy for Supreme Court

        Amy Coney Barrett is a Catholic. There are many good Christians who are. This is a good thing about her. The Catholics are strong supporters of Trump because he is against the murder of babies and the selling of body parts.

Catholicism is good and bad. I have been a critic of the Catholic faith because it does not follow all of the laws in the Bible. However, Catholicism does not want its members to read the Bible. The inquisition was torturing and killing Protestants as heretics.

Not believing in or obeying parts of the Bible is the problem with all organized religions, including Protestants. This is why Martin Luther thought he could correct their false interpretations. He did not know there were agents of Satan in the church.

Religious organizations often put man’s interpretations over God’s Word and allow Satan’s agents to infiltrate and twist scripture. Christian organizations create their own dogmas based on man’s feeble materialistic thinking influenced by Demons.

The Democrats will attack Amy on the fact that she will oppose Roe vs. Wade. And the harvesting of baby body parts for research in transhumanism and chimera hybrids.

However, her religion opposes the death penalty. This goes against God’s Word. Murderers are imprisoned for life or may be released later. This costs millions of wasted tax dollars. And God condemns it.

Leviticus 24:17 

  “And he that killeth any man shall surely be put to death.”

However, Catholicism does not want its members to read the Bible because of their many false beliefs. Like praying to the goddess Mary.

They claim only the Priest can interpret God’s Word. They killed in the Inquisition anyone who dared create Bibles for the people. They also killed anyone who said the Jews would physically return to their land as God promised.

This was the problem with Judaism, and that is why Jesus called them Serpents (of the Devil). They became corrupt. The Scribes and Pharisees were swindling and lying to the people. That is why they hated Jesus. They knew he would expose their hypocrisy and criminal actions if he became king. Similar to the situation Trump is in.

The forgotten fact is England’s ruler was ruled by the Vatican. And this is why many Christians came to America to find freedom from heavy taxation, oppressive laws, and freedom from false religion. This is why many constitutions of states supported Protestants for office and opposed Catholics. Our freedoms were based on Protestant beliefs.

It was a Pharisee that founded the Roman Church, which was based on Judaism, which became mixed up with the Mysteries of Isis in Babylon and Egypt. (The Mysteries of Isis is witchcraft and worship of idols founded by Semiramis, the first witch and Queen of Babel prototype for all goddesses and unholy spirit of the satanic trinity Mother Nature [evolution] and UFO contactee)

It was Simon the Pharisee, who was known as Simon the Sorcerer that came to Peter. And Peter turned him down. He founded the Roman Church in Rome. And the Vatican founded the secret society (Of Anti-Jesus) Jesuits that founded the Knights Templar Illuminati whose descendants are the Master masons of Free Masonry today, who followed the Talmud, which created the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which produced the Communist Manifesto by a Satanist Karl Marx an Ashkenazi Gentile/Jew just like Hitler. Most Illuminati are Jewish/Gentiles.     


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