The Origin of Fake News

             The origin of Fake News is found in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Scion, where the Illuminati state that they will use the media to fool the Goyim. They use the Council on Foreign Relations to infiltrate the government and the media.  

The Illuminati plan also states they will use theories they know to be false: "Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzscheism" to brain wash the leaders of the Goyim through the educational institutions controlled by the teachers unions who follow Communist and Satanist Saul Alinsky.

The main stream media and Democrats lie to people. They say Trump caused the Coronavirus by not acting soon enough. They hope you don’t remember that the Democrats called Trump a racist because he DID act early long before they did. If Trump is to blame then how come all world leaders are to blame also.

The source of this virus was the same Chinese Communists that are making Democrats rich by sending our money, businesses, and technology to China, and other terrorist countries.

They say Trump mishandled the virus problem. Does that mean all leaders in all countries mishandled the virus too.

They say we must quarantine the healthy. Throughout history it was the sick you quarantined.

 However the virus has furthered their socialist plans of Democrats and the Communist United Nations Agenda 2030 to kill off the majority of earth’s population for sustainable development, it destroys our economic system, it attacks small businesses, it shuts down churches, it keeps students from learning, It causes recession, it causes government to run up huge debts, it makes people poor, it is used to attack our freedoms under the Constitution, it creates voting by mail for fraudulent purposes, it creates anger riots and fear, it allows politicians to make illegal laws.  

They blame the rioting on Trump, when it is the media and the Democrats who are encouraging anarchy and do nothing to stop it.

They call it peaceful protest, when the rioters destroy property, steal, and burn innocent people’s businesses, and kill blacks as well as whites. Nancy Pelosi tells anarchists to attack and harm Conservative Christians and their property who stand up for what they believe.

Notice the Good Trouble sign. It is the slogan of the Care Givers union SIEU. And the Black Lies Matter sign. On SIEU web site they support Biden, Black Lives Matter and there you see the slogan Good Trouble. They are one of the main leaders along with the Teachers union NEA and Department of Education that supports these riots and the brainwashing in "Darwinism, Marxism, and Nietzscheism." 

They say Trump was helped by Putin and Russian Communists. When it was Russian Communists that produced the fake Steele dossier report paid for by Hillary and the Democrat Party to undermine our elections. And then after spending millions of dollars of tax payer money and neglecting their work in Congress it was proven false. And this was known by The Department of Injustice, FBI, and CIA to be false. If it had been true it would have been in all the major news.

Also Putin is no friend of Trump. Putin was seen with George Bush in their freemason Illuminati costumes. And both Bush and Putin support the Communist: New World Order. And the reason Putin hates Trump is because Trump opposes the New World Order.

Both Bush and Putin have conspired to create the New World Order of Antichrist.

Don’t be fooled by the claims of Democrats and socialists that they support Democracy. Democracy is another word for socialism brought on by lynch mob rule. We are a Republic based on God’s natural laws of justice, and common sense.

They make a big deal out of George Floyd who was resisting arrest and forget about all the people who died to make our country great, and sell us out to become colonists of Europe again reversing our gains back to 1776, and bring back slavery to a dictator. They forget about the twin towers, and the Alamo. They promote promiscuity then promote the murder of unborn babies. The Bible says thou shalt not kill. And thou shalt not commit adultery or fornication, but the Democrats condone it.

They accuse Trump of having prostitutes when he was in Russia. However, the Russians video tapped the hotel rooms. If it had been true Russia would have used it to blackmail Trump. And it would be used by all the media. Like Trump said, they sent prostitutes to his room but he didn’t fall for this trick like many Congressmen and Senators in Washington do. If they had this tape they would not need the Russian Steel Dossier.

If you look up anything the Fake News is lying about on Google, you will find masses of disinformation from all the known and unknown sources of misinformation. I found it when I tried to find the truth about massive voter fraud, and I found it again when I looked for the truth about Biden and the Ukraine scandal. They lie lie lie just like their father the Devil.

Folks this is the work of Antichrist. We are getting very close to the Rapture. And this election will determine how soon that will be! If Biden wins, Jesus is at the door! If Trump wins, there will be a GREAT revival of both Christianity and Patriotism; as well as a revival of Satanism. I believe this revival is actually a polarization. God will separate the sheep from the goats! Then when the last undecided person comes to a knowledge of the truth, Jesus will meet us in the air. And most remaining Democrats and a few Republicans will be left behind to receive judgement for their sin under the New World Order.

Good sources of truth include: The Heritage Foundation, The New American Magazine, Judicial Watch, NewsMax, Huckabee, etc. These have things in common they are Conservative and Christian.

A good source of real news is The Christian Post. 

But don't be fooled by Christianity Today which is false religion and Fake News. 


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