Democrats War on the West

A few months ago when the riots were going on I wondered if Antifa and Black Lies Matter would set wilderness fires to bankrupt and destroy America. Others thought the same thing.                 Then the fires started! So I did some research. 

No they didn’t. There were a couple of arsonists but they were not part of any terrorist organization.

The fires in California, Oregon, etc. were caused by the unusually dry conditions, then lightening started the fires followed by a strong warm wind.

However, I saw NewsMax and they said it was because of the mismanagement of our forests by the Democrats supporting radical environmentalists (Stealing land from use by the People) who stopped timbering, and grazing of livestock in the forest. The animals eat up the grass and weeds that turn into kindle in the warmer weather. And timbering protect their interests by removing dead and old growths that feed fires, and they get rid of insects, trees, and brush that spread disease. This was described in The War on the West by William Perry Pendley 

War on the West reveals, for the first time, the startling and shocking details behind one of the nation's top news stories (suppressed by the establishment media controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations Illuminati): the brewing Western revolt against the federal government.

The federal government, following the lead of environmental extremists (Democrats), is increasingly using strong-arm tactics against (The Constitution) Western land-owners and resource providers. Government agents have jailed ranchers for fencing their own land, placed the welfare of wildlife above the lives of humans, used federal laws and government lawyers to intimidate property owners into submission, and condemned much of the West to the devastation of a "nature's way" (Evolution) approach to land management.
War on the West lays out, issue by issue, the attack now underway on timber, mining, ranching, oil and gas exploration, tourism, and even the West's most important resource: water. With the dramatic stories of the brave men and women who have banded together in a grassroots movement to fight back, Pendley shows how the West's most threatened species - working men and women and their communities - are making a dramatic comeback.

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I support the Christian principle of environmentalism for protecting resources FOR USE, not FROM USE.


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