Democrats & Unbelievers Use Fear
I noticed a strange phenomenon in this election. I have not seen any bumper stickers with Trump or Biden!
This is because most people don’t want to be associated with
a looser like Biden, or be threatened to have a brick thrown through your
window, or be assaulted, or bullied. This has created the silent majority. This
is why polls are inaccurate.
As for the polls, they are all biased. When they show Biden is ahead, it is because they are only polling Democrats who watch Fake News. This shows most Democrats support Trump without including most Conservatives.
Democrats use fear to force people to do their bidding. If
you are a creation scientist or simply believe in the Bible’s account of
creation the militant unbelievers will call you names like “moron” “needs to
learn science” “uneducated” “ignorant” etc. and the majority of teachers (the
unions are supporters of Communism and atheism) and professors will fail you if
they know you are a creationist or Christian. These same people will ridicule
you if you support Trump. If you mention illegal aliens as a threat to our
country they will do the same thing.
The fact is, if you wear a Trump cap “Make America Great
Again” they may shout at you, beat you up or threaten to, or even kill you. I
remember my wife saying years ago not to mention anything bad about gays etc.
because they will get mad and assault you.
The politically (incorrect) correct people are using this to
create fear so people cannot express anything that is true or biblical. They
also say you should not tell anyone else what you believe, because everyone has
their own opinion. And truth is only relative only true for you, and no one
knows the truth. So keep your opinion to yourself.
This prevents truth from spreading to other people.
Then they spread lies all through Google and the
establishment media, educational establishments, at museums, etc. They want to
shame and frighten you into silence.
If you use your real name on social media your evil liberal
employer will fire you.
This is in violation of freedom of speech, religion, and the
press which includes the Internet.
On the Internet most web sites will censor you, or create
errors so you cannot post the truth.
We need Trump to put a STOP to this!
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