Avoid Fake News & Read Their Plan
We the people have been brainwashed and kept as slaves by the mass media, entertainment, education, government regulations, taxation, corporations, religious organizations, the Internet disinformation, etc.
The world has been filled with lies and misinformation.
Want to know the truth about the origin of the attacks on
America? First believe and obey the Bible. Then don’t believe anything you have
been told until you read their plan, which they don’t want you to read. They
slander, lie, and misrepresent their secret plan to create a Marxist New World
Order under Antichrist.
There they say they are behind Communism, Darwinism, and
Socialism to undermine Christianity and the Constitution. And that they will
use the media to fool the people with unsubstantiated misinformation because
you are stupid. And they will infiltrate education, media, churches,
government, and corporations. And they will use catastrophic events to force
people to obey their orders.
Don’t use Google or Yahoo for information. They are filled
with Fake information. Use search engine HTTP://DuckDuckGo.com
Read their plan before you decide: https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/przion2.htm
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