Updated: Mail In Voter Fraud!

              I was in the Fontana California on Sierra Ave shopping center on Monday August 31, 2020, when I noticed something odd going on at the Post Office about 7:00 PM after they were closed. Last mail pickup is 5:30 PM.

I had trouble down loading pictures I sent from my camera to Yahoo Mail. So I tried to to get a free photo hosting site. When I signed using my Google account it said it could not allow me because I was guilty of spam. You know, like this article. Also Go Fund Me would not let me raise funds, and Facebook would not let me advertise because I had violated their (Communist) social values. 

Now let's go on with this article.

All of a sudden a whole caravan of 8 postal trucks were filling the parking lot next to the post office. Then in a few minutes later there were 15 and 3 had already left. These trucks had no licenses. (Their ID numbers for the first ones I saw were 4314738 F52, 8202951, 820181 22, 330378, 8203246 71, 0213589 76, 8203181, 8209264 17)

I have been aware of massive Democrat voter fraud in the last election and was alarmed when I heard that the Democrats wanted to make all voting by mail in ballots, a perfect system for unchecked voting by dead people, illegal aliens, multiple voting, vote harvesting coercion, and people being bussed in by George Soros like the Democrats are doing for the riots. This was before anyone else said anything about mail in ballots being fraudulent.

I had researched the last election and found that Romney actually won the election against Obama, if you subtracted all the dead people, illegal aliens, and multiple fraudulent votes, and lost Republican registrations. For details on fraudulent vote crimes see the link. All this is unreported by the media. The establishment media is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations an arm of the Illuminati's Bilderbergs and UN. Also the media and Democrats lie and suppress the truth. They say there is very little fraud. This is why Hillary knew she would win, at the Bilderberg meeting they told her she would be the next president after Obama. The Democrats were SHOCKED when Trump won. For the first time since Abraham Lincoln that a President/Vice President were not part of the secret societies of the Illuminati.


And I have just found proof that my In Home Care union SIEU are training and financing the riots. The slogans on their web site is Good Trouble. This sign appeared in a photo of Rand Paul being attacked by the rioters outside of the Republican Convention along with another sign Black Lives Matter. On their web site SIEU supports Joe Biden/Chameleon Harris, and Black Lives Matter (i.e. Other Lives Don’t Matter). And SIEU's slogan is Good Trouble! This union is training workers to do vote harvesting, so the union can fraudulently win the election for the Socialists.

SIEU is having a live stream on Communist controlled Facebook, telling Care Workers how to support Obama's agenda. They did not mention Joe Biden or Chameleon Harris. 

If you look up mail fraud on Google you will find dozens of propaganda listings by all the Fake News Communists: NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, Washington Post, New York Times, etc.

After going to more pages, I found I was right. If you dig deep into the Communist Google listings you find some truth by reliable sources. (By the way this happens anytime you research for something controversial they don’t want you to know.) On page 4 I  finally found one telling the truth, but I found that Fake News was scattered all through Google's listings. So you have to know who you can trust. Like AMAC, Judicial Watch, and The Heritage Foundation to find the truth.   Look for Christian and Conservative sites for truth.

For example to get past the slander so you will not read the plan of the Illuminati being carried out today look for a Christian site or Christian author like Texe Marrs.


Trump's coup-by-mail is underway. America can't wait.

www.inquirer.com › opinion › commentary › trump-m...


Top Elections Lawyer: Vote-by-Mail 'The Most Massive Fraud ...

amac.us › top-elections-lawyer-vote-by-mail-the-most-...

AMAC is a conservative senior citizen support group who supports the Constitution (AARP is the Socialist Democrat version senior group that supports Democrats/socialism).

Apr 23, 2020 - Top Elections Lawyer: Vote-by-Mail 'The Most Massive Fraud Scheme in the History of America' ... The First Amendment lawyer famous for Citizens United has taken up arms against a new foe: all-mail voting. Jim Bopp, Jr.


I tried to see if there was a connection to voter fraud and the massive buildup of mail trucks. Why the massive volume of mail? This was on day after my union held a class on Democracy. We are a Republic not a Democracy which is mob rule described in the Illuminati Plan for Antichrist’s Marxist New World Order.  

Then I saw a photo of a mass of postal trucks just like I saw in Fontana from Fox News.

Fox News: Aug 16, 2020 - They are sabotaging USPS to sabotage vote by mail. ... Fox News that vote-by-mail is prone to fraud by big-city Democrats. ... Recent changes to the USPS under new Postmaster General Louis DeJoy on Aug 2020 prepared for this attack. Elizabeth Warren wants to investigate the new Postmaster DeJoy, because he supported Trump and may prevent their mail fraud. The usual Democrat Communist criminals, Pelosi and Schumer also fight to remove Postmaster Louis DeJoy, a major Trump donor, as postmaster general. I wonder why?

Many cases of massive voter fraud was prosecuted by the Heritage Foundation.


          Update on mail in voter fraud update by Judicial Watch, see video:



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