False Information on Tuba City Dinosaur Tracks
The gammasusie.com gives false information on the dinosaur track site at Tuba City, Arizona which I researched and publish technical papers on. Their web site does not allow comments, so I am posting it here. She says they found fossil fish eggs, dinosaur dung (coprolites), and plants. This is wrong! These are nodules created by oozing sand that hardened in treelike burrows before the sediment hardened, and exposed by erosion thousands of years later. In the Tuba City Kayenta strata there are only freshwater articulated Unio clams, rare petrified reptile and dinosaur bones, possible phytosaur and Dilophosaur teeth, petrified wood (part of the Araucarian pine trees found in the Petrified 'forest' Triassic strata, showing that the Permian and Triassic is the same horizon and same strata layer misidentified by evolutionists. These body fossils are on top of a flat layer of dinosaur trackways of large 12 in...